Friday, December 31, 2004

New Years Eve Day....

Do men go through a male menopause stage in their lives? My husband seems to be going through one lately... Any thoughts or suggestions on how to cope? Arragh........

Here's an article on Egypt from Reuters Thanks to : Dhimmiwatch
Muslims throw stones at church building site; riot ensues

Islamic law for dhimmis forbids them to build new churches or repair old ones. That is, many will tell you, a relic of history. But when Christians in Egypt tried to build a new church, Muslims, programmed by centuries of cultural habit, took umbrage at the uppity dhimmis; the ensuing confrontation was bloody.

"One Dead, Two Injured in Egypt Sectarian Clash," from Reuters, with thanks to Twostellas:

CAIRO (Reuters) - One man died and two others were injured in uncertain circumstances in southern Egypt, a police source said on Thursday, in the latest in a series of clashes between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
The source said the clash took place on Wednesday when dozens of Muslims threw stones at a private building in Damshaw Hashim village, some 240 km (150 miles) south of Cairo, which they believed a Christian resident was turning into a church without state permission.

Police arrived at the scene and fired shots into the air to disperse the crowd, the source said.
It was not immediately clear how the man had died or who he was.

Members of the Christian Coptic minority, who make up 5 to 10 percent of Egypt's 70 million people, say they face restrictions in building churches among other problems. The authorities say every Egyptian is treated equally before the law regardless of religion.

Another example of islamic intolerance against any religion other then their islam!

Happy New Year to Everyone, may you have a Joyous, prosperious New Year!

Baltic Waves

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Count Down to Vacation!

We leave Saturday morning for Orlando, and I can't wait! It's off to see the mouse. I can't believe it, my husband is 57 years old, and has never been to Disneyworld! Tickets have been bought, the car rentals reserved.. Less then 48 hours to go! On a serious note , please read the following petition and sign it if you agree.....

The following is an open letter to the United nations against Religious Apartheid .

Petition to the United Nations Against Religious Apartheid:
Sign Petition

To: H.E. the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan;

The Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights is an umbrella coalition representing various organizations from the following communities: Arab-Christian, Armenian, Assyrian, Bahai, Buddhist, Copt, Hindu, Humanist Muslim, Ibo, Maronite, Nubian, secular intellectuals, Southern Filipino, Slavic-Christian, Southern Sudanese, Syriac, West African, and women's groups.

We gather to demonstrate our determination to protest the treatment of religious and ethnic minorities, as well as women and moderate and secularized Muslims in Islamic lands. We are here also to cry out against the murderous ideology of radical Islamism, which, by dividing humankind into worthy Muslims and inferior "infidels" is wreaking havoc throughout the world.

In the face of growing attacks and oppression of religious and ethnic minorities in Islamic lands, we respectfully make the following two demands upon the appropriate organs of the United Nations:

1. We call upon you today to appoint a Special Rapporteur to investigate the status and conditions of non-Muslim minorities, women, and humanist, moderate Muslims in states ruled by Islamic majorities. Such a rappoteur must investigate the following conditions.

Equality Under Law: What is the status, both in law and in practice, of these groups, and of individuals belonging to these groups? Do the laws in these nations discriminate against religious minorities? Do members of these groups have the same rights to assemble, speak, publish, and associate as those in the majority? Can members of these classes be elected to governmental and representative bodies? Is there a government policy of discriminating against the hiring of members of these classes? Does the government allow or encourage radical anti-minority organizations to abuse, threaten or otherwise oppress minority populations? Do the agencies that enforce the laws represent all groups in society?

Religious rights and freedom: Do members of minority faiths have the right to practice their faiths freely? Do they have the right to proselytize? Do members of the majority faith have the right to choose another faith?

Cultural equality: Are the rights and cultures of national, religious, and ethnic minorities respected?

Teaching of hatred and contempt: What is the view of these classes promoted by the government and the general culture?

2. We call upon the United Nations to condemn the ideology of Jihad-Islamism as a form of religious apartheid, which divides humankind into exalted Muslims and inferior "infidels."

Radical Jihad-Islamism is a supremacist, quasi-racist ideology that is now waging terrorist war worldwide against innocent men, women and children it labels "infidels." This ideology is supporting religious wars against non-Islamist Muslims and non-Muslim infidels worldwide. It is seeking to establish Apartheid-like regimes similar to those in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan, to subjugate and control "infidels." It legitimizes and extends human rights abuses - including slavery - on a massive scale. It employs a global economic resource (oil) as a weapon against non-Muslim nations in the service of its goals. It is the duty of the United Nations, which came into being as a result of racist Nazism, to condemn and to combat any ideology which defines some part of the human race as inferior.

Radical Jihad-Islamism must be condemned as a form of cultural, racial, religious and ethnic discrimination, and the United Nations should equate it with Colonialism and Imperialism. It should condemn its teaching to any community or school and it should call for a "corrective teaching" to seek to undo the hatred that it has engendered in peoples who have been taught the ideology. Further, the U.N. should condemn all current Jihad wars and call on nations waging such wars to cease violating the rights of ethnic and religious minorities and peoples. Finally, the U.N. should intervene to protect the rights and lives of religious and ethnic minorities and non-Islamist Muslims in Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia Sudan, and Syria. We would like to meet with you about our concerns, and we wait with hope and prayer, your considered response.

Fr. Keith Roderick
Secretary General
Sign Petition

Friday, December 17, 2004

Christmas Spirit

The days are counting down and I'm feeling the crunch. One week till Christmas! I am just now starting to make lists, plan on who gets what, etc. There's packages to ship, baskets to make, and all types of presents to wrap!

I'm way behind with the yearly family letter and Christmas Cards. We got a new computer this year and the address files are on the old one, so I guess I'm going to have to dust off the old computer and fire it up to get to the file. There is no way that I want to have to redo the mailing list from scratch.

At least I don't have to worry about having to make a big Christmas Dinner this year. We're going to friends house for Christmas Eve and then it's just the family on Christmas Day! That will be so nice, I'm used to having to make a big Christmas dinner with about 15-20 people.

Well, it's late afternoon on a Friday and I'm glad this week is coming to a close. Have a great weekend everyone!

Baltic Waves

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Moral Values of the Qur'an: No Love for Unbelievers

From :

Moral Values of the Qur'an: No Love for Unbelievers

Muslims must not love unbelievers -- even a little bit? Uh-oh! Is this another "Islamophobic" production, complete with "out of context" quotes from the Qur'an? Nope. This is part of a Muslim catechism for children -- written by Muslims for Muslims. It comes from a site called Play & Learn (thanks to MCJ), which also features an Islamic coloring book and other material for children.

This is the true islam, it teaches hate and intolerance from the moment a child is born!

No Love Towards The Unbelievers
In order to live with the morals of the Qur'an, one should completely leave the culture and all the moral values of the profane society. One of the first things to be left is the love towards it.

In a profane society, all the relations are based on selfish interests. A person gets along with the other one only if there is a benefit from him or if he is been taken care of the other or at least he treats him good. Another measure is the family tie. People love others just because that they are from the same family; or from the same dynasty, or from the same society or sometimes even from the same nation.

However these are not the criteria for the believers. Because, believers love Allah more than anything or anyone.
"Yet there are men who take (for worship) others besides Allah, as equal (with Allah): They love them as they should love Allah. But those of Faith are overflowing in their love for Allah. If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the penalty: that to Allah belongs all power, and Allah will strongly enforce the penalty."(AL-BAQARA 165)

Believers respect Allah above anything, therefore the believers love people according to their sincerity with Allah, and they dislike them according to their disobey to Allah. No matter if these people are close to him or not. This characteristic of the believers is described in the Qur'an as:

"Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred. For such He has written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with a spirit from Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, to dwell therein (for ever). Allah will be well pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of Allah. Truly it is the Party of Allah that will achieve Felicity."(AL-MUJADILA 22)

Having even a little bit of love towards the unbelievers would never be a proper attitude for a believer. Believers are seriously warned in the Qur'an as below verse expresses:

"O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love, even though they have rejected the Truth that has come to you, and have (on the contrary) driven out the Prophet and yourselves (from your homes), (simply) because ye believe in Allah your Lord! If ye have come out to strive in My Way and to seek My Good Pleasure, (take them not as friends), holding secret converse of love (and friendship) with them: for I know full well all that ye conceal and all that ye reveal. And any of you that does this has strayed from the Straight Path."(AL-MUMTAHINA 1)

Another passage From the Kids Gallery (same islamic site):

Where is the outrage from world organizations, the human rights groups? Is it deafening silence I hear?

It really is amazing. The hatred and bigotry of islam is indoctrinated into them as children. This is brainwashing of children to hate the entire non Muslim world.

I do not know of any other group of people or any other religion that indoctrinates hatred for the entire human race into their children. Knowing all types of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Pagens, Hare Krishnas...all of them have their beliefs, but none of them teach hatred like this. Its almost like it is being fed to them with the mothers milk.

The believers of islam are saying exactly what they believe. So, where are the news papers and other media outlets that we are supposed to depend on to give us the truth, the full story? All we see is the same old tired lies, "it's not all of the followers of islam, just a tiny fraction of fanatics"

To find more truth about islam feel free to go to some of the following links: Faith Freedom International echoes the voice of Muslim dissidents that strive for freedom of faith and freedom from Faith in Islamic countries. They are against Hate, not Faith. They revere human rights not human beliefs. They endeavor to be factually correct, not politically correct.

Secularizing Islam by Ibn Warraq
One of the best sites for liberal views on Islam. (highly recommended) by Robert Spencer
Jihad Watch is dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world, and to correcting popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern-day conflicts. We hope to alert people of good will to the true nature of the present global conflict that radical Islam is waging against the rest of us. by Robert Spencer
Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, "protected people," are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur'an's command that they "feel themselves subdued" (Sura 9:29). This denial of equality of rights and dignity remains part of the Sharia, and, as such, are part of the law that global jihadists are laboring to impose everywhere, ultimately on the entire human race.

The dhimmi attitude of chastened subservience has entered into Western academic study of Islam, and from there into journalism, textbooks, and the popular discourse. One must not point out the depredations of jihad and dhimmitude; to do so would offend the multiculturalist ethos that prevails everywhere today.

But in this era of global terrorism this silence and distortion has become deadly. Therefore Dhimmi Watch seeks to bring public attention to the plight of the dhimmis, and by doing so, to bring them justice.

Good Reading, and Blessed Be, during this Holiday season!

Baltic Waves

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


It's that time of year that anyone who works in HR/ Benefits knows and dreads...Enrollment/year end processing. Plans have changed, premiums have gone up and new codes need to be processed. Retires calling in, and on top of everything else the auditors are back again. Yes, I know this happens every year, but this is such a crunch period that it's really annoying!

Still haven't done my Christmas shopping, as usual, it will be last moment! ARRRGGGGHHHH!

Only one of the claims adjustors has called about the accident this weekend, hopefully the Allstate adjustor will contact me soon. It's rather strange , but as of yesterday noon, the woman who rear ended my car had not called her agent to report the accident.

Things are still at a standstill on the foreclosure property that we are trying to pick up. As of yesterday the bank supposedly wanted to know if we would still be willing to do a quick closing. OF COURSE WE WOULD! We just need them to accept our offer, considering that we are the only game in town , no other offers are in sight , you would think that they would want to jump on it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Crash, Bang, Boom!

Sorry about the hiatus this past week. Last week was rough, there's a cold bug going around work and it hit me hard, I was out for the count on Thursday! Friday was an Opera night, and I meet with my mother and sister in law for dinner before the show. The Opera had wonderful costumes , the ballet dance numbers were fantastic , but the singers were mediocre, at best. Oh well, that was the first mediocre performance we have seen this season, so all in all, its been a good season.

This weekend was busy at the store and I had make appointments to see five buildings with my realtor Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately none of the buildings were worth considering. All of them were overpriced for the size and condition. (It's amazing what someone will call a bedroom, some of these rooms could barely be called closets! )

After the last showing, I was heading home, I had stopped at a stop light and was rear ended by the vehicle behind me! The impact was so great that my vehicle was driven into the vehicle in front of me. Apparently, according to the person who hit me, she was hit by a mini van from behind her! So , the long and short of it was that I was involved in a four car crash were the person that supposedly started the whole thing did a hit and run!

In police language according to the report, vehicle #1 , hit vehicle #2, that then hit me (vehicle #3), that then was pushed into vehicle #4. Vehicle #1 left the scene! So there you have it, even if you're just standing still at a stoplight , you can still be the victim of a major car accident. Unfortunately vehicle 2 hit my car with such force that my car was slammed into the vehicle in front of me and that vehicle had an exterior tire on the back that did a major number on the hood, front grill and lights.

Yesterday was spent dealing with insurance companies , claim adjusters and a body shop! I am still waiting for the claims adjusters from my insurance company and the claims adjuster from the person who hit me to do the full phone interviews. What a mess!

Now it's back to work and trying to get everything back together in some semblance of order.

Baltic Waves

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Heavy on the Heart

Yesterday a co-worker came into my office to talk about something that was troubling her , she had been experiencing a tightness in her chest and some shooting pains in her arm and shoulder. This had been happening on and off for the last few weeks. She had dismissed it before , but she was worried as it was occurring again throughout the morning.

Unfortunately we woman are so used to taking care of everyone else, we often times neglect ourselves. We will "nudge" our spouses or partners to get check ups and will rush them off to the emergency ward at a drop of the hat, but we're afraid to listen to our own bodies. We worry about what it could be, yet are afraid, or tell ourselves that it's nothing. Often times the symptoms for a women's heart attack can be more subtle than that of a males.

I shut the door to my office and had a heart to heart conversation with my co-worker/friend, explaining that she should call her doctor, take off early, and go directly to a hospital or her doctor, which ever he recommends.

After about 10 minutes of discussion , she agreed to call her doctor, he made time for her, and she did leave to see him.

Luckily the preliminary tests yesterday were negative for a heart attack, and her doctor is having her do a stress test and other tests latter this week. Yesterday afternoon after she left the doctors office I got a call from her thanking me for encouraging her to go to the doctor. She had been worried ever since she had starting having pains a few weeks ago , but was afraid of the worse.

How often do women put off going to the doctor , thinking that either the pain will go away , it's nothing, or thinking the worse and not wanting to confront it? My co-worker was luckily in that it was not a heart attack, and her doctor is now working with her to get to the root of the problem.

I urge everyone to take care of themselves, don't keep putting off something like chest pains, it could be too late by the time a heart attack actually occurs! I know, I've lost family members to heart disease!

Baltic Waves

Monday, December 06, 2004

An Open Letter to Islamic Organizations in America

Another "peaceful islamic " "event" in Saudia Arabia. I found this open letter to islamic organizations in America by D.C. Watson on .

An Open Letter to Islamic Organizations in America

By DC Watson

Regular Jihad Watch poster DC Watson has sent us this respectful and well-documented series of questions from an American citizen to Islamic advocacy groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations, challenging the prevailing dhimmitude of most public discourse on Islam in America.

"Relations": the very word gives one the positive mindset of working as a team to accomplish established goals. Throughout the past 228 years, Americans have fought through their own differences of opinion to achieve great successes for this nation. What I and tens of millions of others want to know is your interpretation of the term "relations." Webster's Dictionary defines it as "an aspect or quality (as resemblance) that connects two or more things or parts as being or belonging or working together.

"I didn’t write this column to accuse Muslim organizations of having ties to terrorist networks. That issue has already been addressed elsewhere, so there's no need to address it here. The purpose of this particular column is to ask precise questions of Islamic Advocacy groups, and to obtain precise, honest answers. It appears that the kindness and generosity of the American people has been sadly mistaken for weakness and ignorance.

Thankfully, several Middle East scholars and apostates from Islam have educated us well about true Islam, including verses contained in the Qur'an, and on the outdated Shari'ah Legal system.

While I certainly don't believe that all Muslims are bad people, I do believe that there is an agenda in the Muslim world to somehow attempt to become Masters of the Universe. Whether through violence or through manipulation of Governments, Islamic radicals are attempting to rule the roost. Since we're labeled Islamophobic, intolerant, ignorant, and jingoistic for not swallowing Islamic propaganda, perhaps you can address and answer for all of us the following:

Please explain separately Qur'an verses 4:34, 4:89, 5:17, 5:51, 8:12, 9:5 and 9:29.

As Americans learn of beheadings, car bombings, rapes, kidnappings and eventual assassinations of innocent men and women being committed by members of the Islamic faith, how would you go about explaining to your fellow Muslims that their behavior is a "hijacking" of Islam?

What would you say to the “Janjaweed” in Darfur , Sudan , as they hack innocent men, women and children with machetes, rape, loot, and murder innocent Africans?

What explanation could you possibly provide regarding stories like that of a 16-year-old Iranian girl who was charged with committing “acts incompatible with chastity,” when in fact she was a rape victim? She was not afforded a lawyer and was forced to defend herself. She told the Judge that he shouldn’t punish the victims, but punish the rapists. She was hanged in public, not for the adultery, but according to the Islamic Judge, for “having a sharp tongue”

Why have Islamic clerics even in the U.S. preached hate for the West and condoned terrorism?Since mosques are houses of Islamic worship, is it appropriate to raise funds for terrorist activities inside them? What are you doing to make sure this is not happening in mosques in America ?

Islam, the “religion of peace” has believers that live and work in the United States , living comfortable lives with respectable occupations. With that in mind, is it appropriate for them to be living the American dream while calling for an uprising (Intifada) against the United States Government?

Why have American citizens had civil suits brought against them for speaking out against the activities of Muslims? (Second item)

While members of all other faiths are respectful of the uniforms they wear while at work or in the athletic arena, and of American law, why do Muslims expect special accommodations to be made for the wearing of Islamic headscarves, and go as far as filing suit in order to cover their faces in a Driver License Picture?

While I’m aware that Constitutional legal barriers haven’t been crossed, I’m also aware that Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists are prohibited from promoting their faiths in public schools. So why are Muslim guest speakers gaining entry into American public schools to discuss Islam with our children, when Church and State are separate in America ?

Since Muslim organizations seem to defend every Muslim that’s arrested, claiming profiling, racism, religious bias, and unwarranted arrest, are Americans supposed to believe that all Muslims are merely a group of peaceful immigrants, and that every Muslim suspect arrested is completely innocent and simply a target of racism and intolerance, even when they’ve admitted their crimes?

This issue is of substantial concern. Is it true that a prominent Islamic figure made this statement? “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America , and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” Was this actually said? You’ve got to be kidding me. The Koran the highest authority in America ? Islam the only accepted religion on earth? Excuse me while my head stops spinning! I couldn’t believe this one.

(Lisa Gardiner, the reporter of the original story, stands by its accuracy.)

Welcome to the United States of America . We speak English here. We're a free nation. We work hard, drink beer, take care of our family and friends, and play hard. Although the religious majority is overwhelmingly Christian, we're tolerant of all races and religions. You’re welcome to practice your faith here, but you can forget about dominating anything.

You can stay, as long as you respect our laws and our citizens. Understand that it's not our responsibility to adapt to your culture. It's your responsibility to adapt to ours. You’re in our house, so you follow the house rules. The preservation of American Culture, American Borders, the English language, and the United States Constitution remain at the forefront of the American Patriot agenda.

Don't make the mistake of underestimating the backbone, the willingness, or the means at our disposal to do what's necessary in protecting this 'to-do list. Since you seem to be the voice for Muslims in America , please relay this to your followers -- for the sake of peace.

Well said DC Watson! For more information on Faith Freedom International go to their web site.

Faith Freedom International echoes the voice of Muslim dissidents that strive for freedom of faith and freedom from Faith in Islamic countries. They are against Hate, not Faith. They revere human rights not human beliefs. They endeavor to be factually correct, not politically correct. was created to support those who wish to leave Islam and to provide answers to those who want to know the truth about it.

To read what effect this site has on Muslims. Read

To read what effect this site has on non-Muslims. Read

Baltic Waves

Friday, December 03, 2004

SCA Boar's Head Celebration at Waukesha Expo Center

It's Friday! As usual we have a number of last minute things that came up for our retiree groups at work, the joys of HR employee benefits! It's a busy day today, and next week will be insane around here.

I mentioned in yesterdays post, that this weekend, tomorrow, we will be vendors at a semi local SCA Event outside of Milwaukee. ( SCA is short for Society for Creative Anachronism. The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe.)

I've linked to Saturdays event , the 26th Annual Boar's Head Celebration "The Return of the Cherries" at the Waukesha Expo Center, N1 W24848 Northview Road, Waukesha,WI. December 4th, 2004 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M

It's always a fun event, with everyone dressed up in renaissance period costumes, with Knights competing in archery, heavy, light and boffer fighting, and rapier. There is a large merchant hall for shopping with the various merchants selling all number of Renaissance period apropriate items. Classes take place through out the day, there is a Masked Ball and dancing, children's activities, Arts & Science displays, a full Renaissance style court and last but certainly not least, the infamous Caer Anterth Feast with Duchess Myfanwy ferch Elys (Fancy) along with Co-feastocrat Lord Balthazar fitz Gryphon, who will once again work her special magic in the kitchen.

Donation bins will be set up for new or gently used toys and a bin set up for donations to go to our troops. We will ensure that these items get where they will be appreciated. There will also be a wonderful lunch menu that will be provided, care of Dee's Catering!

I will be stopping by the store this evening to pack for the event and getting an early start tomorrow morning (5:00 AM). The event is about an hour and a half from our house, with set up starting at 7 am for merchants.

On another note, the birthday dinner for my mom was really nice last night, my sister in law loves the place and we have decided that for her birthday in January we're taking her out to 1776. Mom's friends at the other shops had a little get together for her during the day, and all in all, it was a great day for her!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Baltic Waves

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Birthdays, the SCA, Forclosure property update etc....

This week is hectic. Yesterday was one of my oldest friends birthday celebrations ( we went out to Outback Steakhouse and then went cruising around to look at Christmas decorations ), today is my Mother's and my Aunt's Birthday ( we're taking my mom out tonight to celebrate) and on top of that , we will be vendors at an SCA event, Boar's head , outside of Milwaukee on Saturday. That means having to pack up for the event some time tomorrow and leaving around 5 am Saturday morning to set up.

My mom and her twin sister are turning 69 today. I still have to call in an order for flowers to be sent to my Aunt, we have fresh flowers ready for my mom tonight. There's a great restaurant in Crystal lake called 1776, it's elegant and has a wonderful menu. Over the last few years it has become our restaurant of choice for celebrations.

Next year of course will be the big party/s for the twins 70th birthday. Since they live in two different states I don't believe it will be possible to do a joint celebration. My Aunt's girls will have to set something up for her in Michigan.

We finally heard back from the bank on our last offer, they did at least counter offer this time. Unfortunately their counter offer is still too high. We submitted our final offer , going up by another $20, 000. If the bank rejects it, we go on and look for a different place. With all the work that the house needs , a new roof, foundation repairs, plumbing fixtures, new windows, appliances, etc... It does not make sense to overpay for the property.

Actually, I've resigned myself to not getting the property, knowing the bank we're negotiating with, the way they've responded , or should I say their lack of responses, I don't expect anything for at least two weeks. In the mean time if we find something else we will just withdraw the offer if there is no response by that time.

Baltic Waves

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Rain , Snow, Traffic, etc.....

It's strange how a distance of 40 some miles can make a huge difference in the weather. Last night when I left work it was raining cats and dogs outside. I was glad that I had an extra umbrella in the car. It poured waiting for the Metra train, then somewhere between Park Ridge and Cary it changed from rain to snow. By the time I got off the train 45 minutes and 40 miles latter there was already 4 inches of snow out by us!

Unfortunately we had to drive an additional 16 miles north to attend a village meeting regarding a proposed bypass. The congestion on IL RT 12 is so bad that on weekends it can take 45 minutes to get through the village of Richmond. We're talking about a distance of less then 2 miles!

Well, the meeting went from 7:00 to about 9:30 with lots of discussions on the different proposals etc... After all was said and done, it looks like we narrowed down the proposals from 4 to 1, of course this is still the beginning phases and it could be another 6-10 years before anything happens!

I have mixed feelings about the bypass. On one hand we desperately need it as people get so frustrated waiting in traffic that the last thing that they want to do is stop and shop, or grab a bite to eat. On the other hand I worry about the bypass possibly being a death Knoll for the village. Richmond bills itself as the village of yesteryear, it's known for it's antique and specialty stores, Victorian homes and a general old fashioned small town look and feel that you don't see too often. If you're familiar with Illinois and the town of Long Grove, then you while understand that we want to be known as a smaller more personalized version of Long Grove.

I guess only time will tell.....

Baltic Waves