Friday, February 24, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

In the name of parody, we've taken quite a few liberties with other people's cartoons. To give credit where credit is due ... The cartoon above features four of the original Danish Mohammed cartoons published in Jyllands-Posten. The artists are (left to right): Claus Seidel, Rasmus Sand Høyer, Peder Bundgaard, and KW. For all the Danish Mohammed cartoons, see Mohammed
The cartoon pigs are (left to right): Olivia by Ian Falconer, Miss Piggy by Jim Henson, Porky Pig by Warner Bros., and Piglet by Disney.
To see where cartoon pigs were targeted by Islamists, see Perils Before Swine.
And here are all of our other cartoons relating to the Cartoon Jihad:
Image ProblemA Right to BlasphemyWestern DhimmitudeMust-See TVOverboardFlimflammable
UPDATE -- Feb. 22: A strong reaction to this cartoon at Wired Opinion: Save Piglet.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Nigerian Christians in Anti-Jihad mob defend selves against muslim rioters
As I've stated before, the rest of the world (non-muslims) are getting tired of turning the other cheek, I predict that this is just the beginning, the world will be seeing more groups defending themselves.
As usual the MSM doesn't mention that this "Christian mob " is in reaction to muslim violence against Christians until the 4th paragraph......
The violence appeared to be in reprisal for anti-Christian violence Saturday in the mostly Muslim northern city of Maiduguri in which thousands of Muslims protesting caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad attacked Christians and burned churches, killing at least 18 people.
.......Saturday's protest over the cartoons of Prophet Muhammad in Maiduguri marked the first violent demonstrations over the issue in Nigeria. Police say at least 18 people, most of them Christians, died, and 30 churches were burned down. The Christian Association of Nigeria said at least 50 people were killed in the violence.
rather then the Yahoo news headline stating muslim anti-Christian violence resulted 18 deaths and the burning of 30 churches, after wards Nigerian Christians retaliated against the muslims, resulting infurther violence. That would of course have the MSM actually reporting the truth.......
Friday, February 17, 2006
America's Truth Forum symposium - April 29th - The Roots of Terrorism
One of my goals this weekend is to have set up on cafepress , an internet store , complete with bumper stickers , t-shirts and hats for sale with all proceeds going to Faith Freedom International and United American Committee . I'll let you know Monday if I succeeded.
America's Truth Forums symposium, The Roots of Terrorism," has been scheduled for April 29th, 2006 in Washington. This a must attend event !
Jeffrey Epstein of America's Truth Forums explains at:
Valentine's day certainly holds different meaning for many of us. To me, it's a day of expressing love for all of those we hold dear. Cards, chocolate and flowers say much about how we feel. However, in consideration of present circumstances, it's just not enough. Consider a far greater gift - making a selfless contribution toward the future safety and security of your family and our nation.
America's Truth Forums symposium, The Roots of Terrorism," has been scheduled for April 29th, 2006 in Washington. I've invested over 100 hours/week since last January to make this groundbreaking event a reality. Never before have so many experts been assembled with the sole purpose of disseminating the facts about the threat of radical terrorism to the public. Never before has an audience been provided with the opportunity to question the experts in such a forum. Information presented may prove lifesaving to many in attendance - especially to those on the front lines in the war on terror.
As you know, America's Truth Forum has an informational website that provides news and commentary from around the world on the issue of terrorism in all of its forms. From this publication we have created a weekly terrorism update newsletter that is being well-received by the law enforcement community as well as the general public. According to feedback, a number of counter-terrorism units, SheriffÂs Departments and military units have employed some of the material presented in their training programs, all of them utilizing it as an informational resource. Once again, we have created this valuable tool using out-of-pocket funds and having received no compensation. We do this because we have been told it is necessary. We believe it is the right thing to do  for love of country.
Time is short and I need your help. Seize this opportunity to do the right thing. Please step up to the plate and:
A). Make a financial contribution toward the symposium. After all, America's Truth Forum is on the front lines of this battle and we're fighting for you and your families. Don't underestimate the threat we are facing.
B). Immediately visit our website to sign up for the event. The current price of $119.00 includes lunch. Attendance is limited.
C). Please Disseminate this message to everyone in your address books.
D). Contact local and nationally syndicated media outlets and request they support for the event. i.e. Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc.
E). Forward this message to your favorite websites and ask them to post it and/or link to America's Truth Forum and to display an ad for the symposium.
F). As we close in on the date, volunteers will be needed to assist us in Washington. Please consider getting involved in the event.
What value would you have placed on information about the evils of the Third Reich before the Holocaust and World War II? What value would you have placed on information about the evils of al Qaeda before 3000 innocent people were slaughtered in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington DC on September 11th as terrorists and their sympathizers danced in the streets of the Middle East??
Please, time is short. Your consideration and assistance is greatly appreciated. I may be reached at (866) 709-3474.
Most Sincerely, Jeffrey Epstein
Thursday, February 16, 2006
New Fatwa States That Religious Law Does Not Forbid Use of Nuclear Weapons
From ...
On February 16, 2006, the reformist Internet daily Rooz ( reported for the first time that extremist clerics from Qom had issued what the daily called "a new fatwa," which states that "the shari'a does not forbid the use of nuclear weapons."
"When the Entire World is Armed With Nuclear Weapons, it is Permissible to Use These Weapons as a Counter-[Measure]"
"The spiritual leaders of the ultra-conservatives [in Iran] have accepted the use of nuclear weapons as lawful in the eyes of the shari'a. Mohsen Gharavian, a disciple of [Ayatollah] Mesbah Yazdi [who is Iranian President Ahmadinejad's spiritual mentor], has spoken for the first time of using nuclear weapons as a counter-measure. He stated that 'in terms of the shari'a, it all depends on the goal.'
"The religious leadership of the Islamic Republic [of Iran], which has until now regarded the use of nuclear weapons as opposed to the Shari'a, and has repeated this point again and again, has so far kept silent about this. In spite of the fact that, in the last few weeks, some of the senior [leaders] of the Islamic Republic have tried to reduce the pressure [exerted by] the radical [conservatives], the radicals nevertheless seem to have complete control over the [political] arena.
Read the whole article/translation at:
Does anyone still believe that Iran is NOT building nuclear weapons?, And for what purpose?
Blue Scarf Meeting - McDonald's

Tonight at your local McDonald's... Keep trying... others are out there with the same concerns...
We will be at the Island lake McDonald's that is on RT 176/Liberty Street in Island Lake Illinois from 7:00 -aprox 8:00 PM CST this evening. We'll be there, i'll have my blue scarf, along with books to read including Robert Spencer's politically Incorrect Guide to islam.
Check out Dag's website: for other locations that people have posted , or post your own location. Share your ideas over a cup of coffee.....
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
"Tolerance is a birthright, But respect is earned."
"Denigrating a great religion, one of the three great monotheistic religions in the world, one that promotes many of the same values preached by the political right in the U.S."
Does this useful idiot even have a clue of what is in the koran? Does he understand that muslims take every word literally?
Since when does the "political right in the U.S." condone the killing of non believers? (what does the right consider to be a non believer? Would that be the equivalent of condoning the killing of all left wingers? I suppose the right wing would first give the left winger the option of converting to the right wing first, just as the koran states that an unbeliever should be given the choice of converting or getting killed.)
Let's see , maybe he's referring to Mohamad's taste for little girls, after all Asha was only 9 when Mohamad had intercourse with her, and we all know that in islam ol Mo is the perfect example that all muslims must strive to emulate. So , does that mean that the right also endorsed child molestation? Is the right wingers in the US pettioning for the marriage age to be lowered to 9 for girls as it is in many muslim countries? NO? Hmmm...
I know , the political right is always calling for it's followers to kill all those that blasphemy their political leaders....Something along the lines of "Thou shall not draw the political rights politicians as cartoons.....Or else..... No?.....
Well I thought that islam and the right wing had the same values?
Then there's Steve Chapman, another useful idiot working for the Chicago Tribune.... With regards to muslims in Europe Steve writes:
"Though the cartoons appeared first in Denmark, the violent protests occurred far away, in places like Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Afghanistan. Still, the underlying worry about this whole episode is that it offers a dire warning for the fate of Europe.
The growing number of Muslims, it is argued, will eventually lead to the repression of anything critical of Islam. Journalist Mark Steyn speculated recently in The Wall Street Journal's online Opinion Journal that the continent could be under Sharia (Islamic religious law) by 2040. "We're already seeing a drift in that direction," he argued.
The danger, I gather, is that Europe's Muslims will be just as intolerant of criticism of their faith as Europe's Christians used to be of theirs. That would certainly be a bad thing. But to assume that more Muslims will inevitably turn France or Germany into a turbaned theocracy brings to mind the bumper sticker that says, "I get all the exercise I need jumping to conclusions."
In the first place, not all Muslims are alike. Just as Christianity encompasses everything from monasteries in Kenya to megachurches in Texas, Islam means different things in different places. Saudi Arabia, a model of religious totalitarianism, is the exception, not the norm. Muslim nations vary considerably in their policies on alcohol, women's rights, religious freedom, support for terrorism and the like.
It's true that vicious extremism does occasionally emerge--as when a Dutch filmmaker who publicly disparaged Islam was murdered by a radical Muslim in 2004. But the killer is hardly typical of his co-religionists on the continent.In Denmark, local Muslims responded to the cartoons in law-abiding ways--gathering petitions, talking to the newspaper editor, filing a criminal complaint, marching peacefully in Copenhagen. Only when the issue got attention in the Middle East did mayhem erupt. Even then, it occurred in only a few places, not all across the Muslim world......
His drible is the usual regurgitated, BS about how islam is a religion of peace, blah, blah, blah,... Only a handful of believers distorting the whole religion, blah, blah, blah.....
Of course , he has never bothered to actually see what really has happened in Denmark, London, etc ... with muslims calling for death to the cartoonists, etc... etc... Calling for another 7/7, 9/11 etc...
Yeah, they're such a peaceful bunch, Europe just needs to understand them better,.... good dhimmi, now put your head back into the sand, .... ignore the man behind the screen..... move on, there's nothing to see here.....who should you believe, your lying eyes and ears or the peac loving imans?
On the positive side, there is one columnist at the Chicago Tribune that does seem to have a backbone and actually might be getting it, he's making sense... Eric Zorn.
In Eric's column today he writes ......
"The early draft of my column Thursday contained what I thought was a tidy little epigram: "Tolerance is a birthright," it said. "But respect is earned."
An editor raised a concern: In the context of the column, which was about my support for the Danish newspaper that had published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that many Muslims found very offensive, this line sounded as though I was saying I didn't respect the Islamic faith.
That's not what I'm saying, I countered. What I'm saying is that just because people believe something--anything, take it out of the religious context if that helps--doesn't mean that belief is entitled to my "respect."
"Respect" to me signals a form of endorsement that may or may not fall short of agreement or admiration. I don't give it out on demand, and I don't think anyone should give it out because they're deathly afraid of what will happen if they don't."
Read the whole article at,1,4808270.column?coll=chi-news-col
Eric is correct, respect must be earned......
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Friday, February 10, 2006
Big Pharaoh and the flaming PC monitor - BP brings back the 10 comandments from Allah!
1.Thou shall not have westophobia. The west is not plotting against Islam, they don’t give a hoot about your religion nor the religion of this old Hindu man walking in downtown Calcutta, India. The West is busy with far more important things.
2.Thou shall remember that millions of Muslims in Europe have far more rights than non-Muslims in Arab/Muslim lands (for more info, contact the Christian villagers of el-Udaysaat) So quit playing the victim here. I simply don’t buy it.
3.Thou shall understand that the West is a pool of ideas and people. In the west you will find: Non-muslims who love Islam (Karen Armstrong and Prince Charles), non-Muslims who hate Islam (J-Posten and Oriana Fallaci), converts to Islam who love Islam (Murad Huffman, Roge Garoudi), converts out of Islam who hate Islam (Hirshi Ali and Ibn Warraq). So for heaven’s sake, you can’t paint the West with one brush.
4.Thou shall understand that the West gets their info on Islam not from your preaching nor from the books you translate to them but from your actions.
5.Thou shall riot and protest when Muslims kill other Muslims (for more info, contact the Shia families of Iraq and Darfur Sudanese)
6.Thou shall try to riot and protest when Muslims kill non-Muslims. If that’s not possible, at least try to do commandment 5.
7.Thou shall NOT riot over cartoons published 4 months ago. Try to riot over cartoons published 2 months ago. At least it might make more sense that way.
8.Thou shall not boycott an entire nation because a single newspaper, TV channel, radio station, politician, actor, actress, etc, etc, in that nation said or wrote or drew something that offended you. Why? Because its stupid and childish to do so and it further hurts your image.
9.Thou shall incorporate the values of liberal democracy. The Catholics of Italy, the Anglicans of England, the Buddhists of Korea, and the Shintos of Japan have done so. I don’t see a reason why you can’t do so as well.
10.Your leaders should know that what was OK in the year 706 might not be OK in the year 2006. I won’t get upset if you changed a few things in the laws and regulations as long as you continue to profess faith in me, pray to me, fast during Ramadan, give alms, and perform Hajj if you’re capable of doing so.
Great post, I doubt that many muslims will listen though......
Have a great weekend everyone!
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Thursday, February 09, 2006
Ohhhh.. A veiled Threat..... Ho Hum...How typical!
from a commenter regarding my last post....
"Even though we are capable of doing or saying much more than what you've said and done regarding the religion you glorify and the things you believe to be sacred. Our religion teaches us that we must respect and believe in ALL prophets and there scriptures: (we do not differentiate between any of the messengers). Therefore we will not take you as role models and stoop to your level
That's right, he respects and beleives in all prophets and their scriptures, but he won't take the golden rule, freedom of speech and freedom of religion or for that matter, freedom to believe in no religion as a role model. Yep, that's the perfect world that he lives in... yep.... (Sarcasm on)
It seems that this troll is leaving the same "canned message" on a number of blogs..... yep, this islamists are soooooo.... original..... (Sarcasm on)
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Blogger / Blogspot slams Free speech - Cowers to Muslims Sensitivities!

The Study of Revenge Blog at blogspot become the latest victim of muslim intimidation. Blogspot has succumbed to the intimidation and has put a disclaimer on the site, so as not to " offend" anyone ! Well I for one am offended by many sites that continue to be useful idiots/Dhimmi's for their islamic masters, I am offended by the political left that is too stupid to realize that their very "principles " (if you can call it that , will be the first to go under islamic rule), I am offended by jihadi's screaming allah akbar at the top of their lungs as they saw off a persons head, I am offended by these followers of islam in London calling for the death of anyone who publishes a rendition of their child molester prophet, etc... etc... etc....!
Yet, I do not go out on a rampage, I do not demand that a site that blogspot hosts be censored! If Blogspot insists on censure then anytime anyone is "offended" by anything that is said or shown on a blog, Blogspot must sensor that too!
If something offends me in a blog I will not visit it again, that is the way I believe most rational persons would behave. You my dear readers can make up your own minds as far as weather site is offensive or not, if it offends you, I suggest that you not visit it again, I would not expect anyone to demand that their views hold precedence over the authors right to freedom of speech!
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Sandmonkey at it again- exposes another hypocrisy over Mohammad cartoons!
Boycott Egypt
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Freedom For Egyptians reminded me why the cartoons looked so familiar to me: they were actually printed in the Egyptian Newspaper Al Fagr back in October 2005. I repeat, October 2005, during Ramadan, for all the egyptian muslim population to see, and not a single squeak of outrage was present. Al Fagr isn't a small newspaper either: it has respectable circulation in Egypt, since it's helmed by known Journalist Adel Hamoudah. Looking around in my house I found the copy of the newspaper, so I decided to scan it and present to all of you to see.
Guess we will have to Boycott Egypt now as well, huh?
Now while the arab islamic population was going crazy over the outrage created by their government's media over these cartoons, their governments was benifitting from its people's distraction. The Saudi royal Family used it to distract its people from the outrage over the Hajj stampede. The Jordanian government used it to distract its people from their new minimum wage law demanded by their labor unions. The Syrian Government used it to create secterian division in Lebanon and change the focus on the Harriri murder. And, finally, the Egyptian government is using it to distract us while it passes through the new Judiciary reforms and Social Security Bill- which will cut over $300 million dollars in benefits to some of Egypt's poorest families. But, see, the people were not paying attention, because they were too busy defending the prophet by sending out millions of e-mails and SMS-messages, boycotting cheese and Lego and burning Butter and the danish Flag. Let's not even mention the idiots who went the usual route of "It's a jewish conspiracy", spouted the stupid argument about the Holocaust, or went on a diatribe with the old favorite "There is an organized campaign-headed by the west and the jews- to attack and discredit Islam, and we have to defend it". They proved, once again, that the arab world is retarded and deserves no better than its leaders.
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Blue Scarf Meeting Thursday

Thanks to Dag at , once again we will be getting together this Thursday at your local McDonald's.
"We'll meet again for our Blue Scarf sessions at the local McDonald's on Thursday from 7-9:00 pm. The idea is that we meet at a McDonald's wearing blue scarves to identify ourselves to each other as those concerned about the course of our nations regarding Islam and other sore points we might be able to correct if only we had others to work with in our communities, like-minded people who are willing to take active measures to do what we feel we can reasonably do. And what better place to meet than McDonald's on a weeknight"
I'll update here as we progress. If you will be attending a meeting of your own, please leave details here so others will know where you are. "
Go to your local McDonald's between 7-9 PM your local time, wear some kind of blue scarf, look around for others, meet with them, share ideas, etc.... Even if initially no one else shows up , eventually people will find each other.
Spread the word in your own blog, get involved! Here in Northern Illinois between 6:45 and 8:00 Pm stop by the Cary McDonald's or the Island Lake McDonald's, or for that matter any McDonald's that is convenient for you, just get there!
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Tuesday, February 07, 2006
As soon as it looks like the PC's are starting to get it ......
Live the Golden Rule
Not by Islamic Rule!
and stated...." How about "I'm a bigot posing as a human being?"
"Or my church wants to bully your faith?"
Before you condemn an entire religious group based on the reprehensible behavior of some of its members, try stepping out of your house and out into the world where the rest of us live.And no, I am NOT a Muslim. In fact, I'm an agnostic and people of ANY religion using their religion for harm offends the hell out of me!!!"
It is interesting that this person assumed that I had some kind of religious agenda of my own. They thought that their trump card would be that they are agnostic. If they are truly agnostic, and open minded about the possibility of there being something out there, I would hope that they would be doing research on the various belief systems. (Maybe I am wrong, but it seemed that this person may have had their own hidden agenda of hatred against one or more religions, to have had such an adverse reaction to the mere mention of the Golden Rule) Anyway as an agnostic, which they claim to be , I would hope that they are familiar with humanism.....
Ali Sani has a great article in on the Golden Rule as it applies to humanism and most belief systems. The Golden Rule is not just a Christian concept, but is actually found in most belief systems, it is a universal principle. See the full article at :
The following is but an excerpt:
"I respect people's choices to believe in any religion they like. I do not agree with the premises of any religion; however I have no right to tell people what they should believe. My fight is not against faith, it is against hate. The reason I am against Islam is not because it is a religion but because it is a political ideology of imperialism and domination in the guise of religion.
I told him that I am a freethinker. I doubt, investigate and try to find the truth by weighing the facts. My motto can be summed up in Buddha's words: Doubt everything, find your own light. It is not that I see all religions as totally wrong. I see truth and beauty in many religions in various degrees. The only religion that is bereft of truth and beauty is Islam. I cherry-pick the good things in all the religions and philosophies, choose the best and leave the rest. I think all religions are manmade, but this does not mean they are bad. Some parts of them are very good. Although I do not think they are divine guidance, I think one can find pearls of wisdom in many of them. The only religion that no pearls is Islam. Other religions are manmade  that is why they are a mix bag of good and bad. But Islam is made by a psychopath. It is only deception. This is the difference.
To my surprise, once this Muslim learned that I am a practitioner of the Golden Rule, he launched his attack at the Golden Rule and in a rebuttal that he titled The Golden Rule: Cult of Ali Sina he wrote:
Mr. Sina said that he will be making the allegations against Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on the basis that the Prophet (SAW) has violated the Golden Rule. As he says Islam contradicts the Golden Rule; the rule is hiscriterion and yard stick. Therefore, Mr. Sina has to prove the legitimacy of the Golden Rule otherwise it is a mere assumption. In the absence of proof, Mr. Sina would be violating his first rule which he stated earlier: he must be able to prove that assumption or withdraw it!
I already knew that Islam is contrary to the Golden Rule and in fact this is precisely why I oppose it. But I did not expect a Muslim admit to it and defy this universal principle so openly. The fact that this Muslim called the Golden Rule, Cult of Ali Sina makes me think that he had never heard of this basic human principle.
Muslims are masters of deception and they strive to portray their religion as the summum bonum and their prophet as the champion of righteousness. This Muslim, however, was foolishly honest enough to tell the truth and instead of claiming Islam is a fair and just religion, he attacked the Golden Rule and called it a cult.
I responded that I do not have to prove the legitimacy of the Golden Rule. I don't think I have to prove day is bright and night is dark to a seeing person, and to a blind, that won't make any difference. The Golden Rule is a universal principle and it is self evident. We must not measure the validity of the Golden Rule with what Muhammad said, but rather we must establish the legitimacy of his claim by the yardstick of the Golden Rule.
We humans instinctively measure every right and wrong with the yardstick of the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is the shared belief of all mankind and a self evident principle. The essence of the Golden Rule is: Do onto others as you would wish them do onto you. It is through this principle that we know stealing is bad, murder is bad, rape is bad, cheating is bad, and kindness is good, generosity is good, forgiveness is good etc.
Some cynics say the Golden Rule is flawed. For example a masochist who likes to be mistreated, by applying the Golden Rule will abuse others who do not like it. This is obviously a misunderstanding of the concept of the Golden Rule. A much more accurate definition of the Golden Rule is: Treat others with the same consideration and respect that you wish to be treated. It does not mean do to others exactly what you like to be done to you. For example, if you like peanut butter, it does not mean you should feed it to someone who is allergic to it, which can kill him. It does not mean you should take your wife who likes concerts, to a basketball game because you like basketball or invite your Hindu friend to a barbeque because you are a meat lover when you know he is vegetarian.
Various religions and doctrines have expressed this simple concept in a variety of ways. The following is a brief list of them in alphabetical order.
Bahá'à Faith: "Choose thou for thy neighbour that which thou choosest for thyself." Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Brahmanism: "This is the sum of duty: Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you". Mahabharata, 5:1517
Buddhism: "...a state that is not pleasing or delightful to me, how could I inflict that upon another?" Samyutta NIkaya v. 353
Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." Udana-Varga 5:18
Christianity: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12, King James Version.
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." Luke 6:31, King James Version.
"...and don't do what you hate...", Gospel of Thomas 6.
Confucianism: "Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you" Analects 15:23
"Ze-Gong asked, 'Is there one word that can serve as a principle of conduct for life?' Confucius replied, 'It is the word 'xu' -- reciprocity. Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.'" Doctrine of the Mean 13.3
"Try your best to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence." Mencius VII.A.4
Ancient Egyptian: "Do for one who may do for you, that you may cause him thus to do." The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant, 109 - 110 Translated by R.B. Parkinson. The original dates to 1970 to 1640 BCE and may be the earliest version ever written.
Hinduism: "This is the sum of the Dharma [duty]: do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you." Mahabharata 5:1517
Humanism: "(5) Humanists acknowledge human interdependence, the need for mutual respect and the kinship of all humanity."
"Don't do things you wouldn't want to have done to you, British Humanist Society.
Jainism: "In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard our own self." Lord Mahavira, 24th Tirthankara
"A man should wander about treating all creatures as he himself would be treated. "Sutrakritanga 1.11.33
Judaism: "...thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.", Leviticus 19:18
"What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man. This is the law: all the rest is commentary." Talmud, Shabbat 31a.
"And what you hate, do not do to any one." Tobit 4:15
Native American Spirituality:
"All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One." Black Elk
Roman Pagan Religion: "The law imprinted on the hearts of all men is to love the members of society as themselves."
Shinto: "The heart of the person before you is a mirror. See there your own form"
Sikhism: "Don't create enmity with anyone as God is within everyone." Guru Arjan Devji 259
Taoism: "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss." T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien.
Wicca: "An it harm no one, do what thou wilt" (i.e. do what ever you will, as long as it harms nobody, including yourself). One's will is to be carefully thought out in advance of action. This is called the Wiccan Rede
Yoruba: ( Nigeria ): "One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to feel how it hurts."
Zoroastrianism: "That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself". Dadistan-i-dinik 94:5
"Whatever is disagreeable to yourself do not do unto others." Shayast-na-Shayast 13:29
Several philosophers have also expressed the same concept in different words:
Epictetus: "What you would avoid suffering yourself, seek not to impose on others." (circa 100 CE)
Plato: "May I do to others as I would that they should do unto me." ( Greece ; 4th century BCE)
Socrates: "Do not do to others that which would anger you if others did it to you." ( Greece ; 5th century BCE)
Seneca: "Treat your inferiors as you would be treated by your superiors," Epistle 47:11 ( Rome ; 1st century CE)
......... Read the whole article!
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Monday, February 06, 2006
Taqiya mantra .... "Islam is a Religion of Peace"
had a great article about how Internet: Website Invites Infidels To Insult Muslim "Prophet"
If Muslims protesting around the world seriously believe that their threats of violence do anything to promote that taqiya mantra that "Islam is a Religion of Peace", they should also realise that many ordinary infidel folks are also outraged by current Islamic behaviour. These infidels, who perhaps were quiet in 1989 when the evil Ayatollah Khomeini declared his death sentence against Salman Rushdie (leading to the stabbing of Japanese translator of Rushdie's Satanic Verses), have started to draw.
Many of the drawings being done in people's garrets around the globe are now being uploaded onto a site called Draw Mohammed.
Some of the pictures are of poor quality, and some are quite sublime, like this one which depicts Mohammed and his child-bride Aisha.
The cartoon situation is very sad for the majority of peaceful Muslims around the world who feel their prophet is being portrayed as a father of murder, terrorism and paedophilia.
But the truth hurts. As recorded in the hadiths, Mohammed was not a peaceful man, and he approved of having those who insulted him decapitated. He also had sex on a regular basis with a nine-year old child, his last "wife", Aisha.
The sad truth is, the religion was founded by a man who committed murder, banditry, and condoned the rape of women after their husbands had become prisoners of war and slaughtered.
As a sizeable minority of Muslims are now showing themselves wedded to notions of violence and revenge, I hope the cowardly mainstream press will stop peddling the whitewashed appraisal of Mohammed as a man of peace, because quite frankly, such an appraisal is unhistorical, and un-Islamic.
From Cox & Forkum on todays 2/6/2006 posting they have a great cartoon showing liberty with her head sawed off by an islamist..... inspired by what else , but a true life photo of a protester in London, belonging to that relgion of peace - islam, holding up a sign stating ......"Behead those that insult islam" photo is from Reuters ... see link below;_ylt=AmADtrTLezMGo47tO9P9cLeaK8MA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3bXNtMmJ2BHNlYwNzc3M-
On Ali Sina has opened up a new page called : Laugh at MuHamMad
Muslims are bullies and bullies threaten those who are weaker. In this case Denmark with a population of no more than 5.5 million was considered by the Muslims to be a soft target that can be crushed economically.
This attack is not on Denmark but on the freedom of speech and on democracy. It is an attack on the free world. That is why everyone must come to the help of Denmark , buy Danish products and neutralize this boycott.
It would be a huge loss to all of us if Denmark gets hurt or capitulates. The bully must never taste victory or he will become bolstered and demand more. If we fail to protect Denmark, we lose our freedom. Do not underestimate the destructive power of fanatics and stupid people.
As the sage people have said, the best defence is an offence. What we are witnessing is a clash between, not two cultures, but between barbarity and civilization. However, in every crisis there is an opportunity. The Chinese sages said that too. The Chinese have a saying for just about anything and all of them are meaningful. This crisis has given us the opportunity to strike our biggest blow at the heart of Islam. We must hit Islam where it hurts most. Islam is a narcissistic cult and nothing hurts the narcissist more than ridicule.
Muslims want to teach the world a lesson. The lesson is: “you must respect us or else”. They want to gain the upper hand and make the non-Muslims servile and submissive. That is what the narcissist craves most. He wants dominance, respect and recognition even by instilling fear.
.......This is a war. Muslims use their weapons of choice, which are riots, hooliganism, threats, violence and terror. They are waging this war with all their might. We will lose this war if we don’t fight back. This is an attack on all of us. Every person who believes in freedom and democracy, whether he is from the East or from the West, is under attack. This war is not between nations, countries or races but between ideologies.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Ideas for bumper stickers......
What I would like to do is get ideas from readers of bumberstickers they would like to see. We thought of the following:
Live the Golden Rule
Not by Islamic Rule!
Your thoughts? Comments? Would there be a demand for these or others?
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Where to start....
First , my condolences to the families of those that drowned in the Red Sea, what a horrible way to die! Egypt ... How could you leave those people to drown when you had offers of help from Israel, Britain and the US. Why is it that the ME cannot put aside their hatred of Israel, and the West and accept the help that was offered? How many lives could have been saved? Is islamic ideology of hatred transcends all , they seem to not be able to even try to save another islamic life if the help was to come from a Jew or an infidel... How stupid can these people be, is there truly no humanity in a person when they embrace islam? Not even for one of their own?
The cartoon stupidity continues, and I was wrong about the Jordanians, they too have succumbed and have fired the publisher of the Jordanian paper! What a false ideology if islam cannot even stand up to critique and characterization!
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Thursday, February 02, 2006
More Mohamed cartoons - In a Jordanian newspaper !?..... I thought islam prohibits that?
The headline in the Jordanian newspaper said: This is how the Danish newspaper portrayed Prophet Muhammad, may Gods blessing and peace be upon him.
So now of course I expect all moonbat muslims to now run screaming through their streets threatening death to the Jordanian newspaper publishers, demanding a formal apology from the Jordanianian government, and of course a call for boycotting anything and everything from Jordan....
...any moment now....Just wait..... o'cmon now, ..Well maybe not.....
On another note... I am so proud to be of Baltic origins.... Go Vika, Go!... Thanks to
David Rennie reports from The Telegraph about the “Sound of Europe” summit, just ended in Salzburg. It had an unexpected shot in the arm for America. Or perhaps it would be better described as a warning shot over the bow of Old Europe by New Europe — mind your manners, Grandpa.
A lefty newspaper editor “drawlingly invited” Latvia’s president to agree with his assessment that the new EU members from eastern and central Europe was too pro-American to be considered proper Europeans.
Having listened to the anti- American cant and condescension, Vaika Vike-Freiberga was fed up:
The editor chose the wrong target to bully. Latvia may be small, but its woman president Vaika Vike-Freiberga survived wartime air raids, a childhood in refugee camps and five decades of exile, first in French Morocco, then more comfortably in Canada, as a psychology professor. Mrs Vike-Frieberga let it rip.....
"I am amazed by the speed with which Europe has forgotten that it was rescued during World War Two when the Americans entered the fight. The contribution of the trans-Atlantic link to European security is something that Europeans have long taken for granted. But since the corridor to Berlin [was secured] right after the war, right up to the great debates and conflict in Germany about having intercontinental ballistic missiles or not, Europe has felt quite comfortable under the umbrella of security that Nato offered, and that means the trans-Atlantic link.
"By the way I'd like to remind people here that when you see row upon row of white crosses in the fields of Flanders and North of France, those are also Canadians, thousands of Canadian soldiers who died for the freedom of Europe, for the freedom of the Netherlands, of France, and of Italy.
"The trans-Atlantic link is intrinsic, it goes back to Europe bringing its ideas and ideals to the North American continent - along with smallpox and the common cold and the extinction of the native peoples, naturally - they brought both destruction and ideals. North America has developed different models of the same European values that they inherited. The idea that we have somehow two systems that are inimical, I find extraordinarily strange.
"We have this division that was introduced between Old Europe and New Europe, talked about by Mr Rumsfeld. Well, when Mr Rumsfeld was asked about this at the beginnings of the second Bush administration, he said: 'That was the old Rumsfeld who made that distinction, the new Rumsfeld would like to leave it behind.
’”She offered a question of her own. "What is it that Old Europe is worried about, with respect to New Europe? That we are friendly with America? All that we have asked is to be part of Nato, and part of the security umbrella that Europe has enjoyed for half a century.
" At this point, she turned to face the audience directly. "You lived in democracies for longer times than we," she began. Scattered clapping began to be heard. "Austria, by the way, came very close to being in the same situation as Latvia. Be grateful for your fate, don't complain," she said, this time to swelling applause.
She went on: "Throughout the years, in parts of Europe, intellectuals and even politicians were enamoured with the idea of Marxism and even some thought the Soviet Union was an embodiment of what Socialism and the protection of the worker was all about. America was more realistic. America looked on us as captive nations. We were captive nations, and we are now free."
As I said, Vika, you makes me proud! Now , maybe some of my readers will also have a better understanding of me, and why with my baltic background I feel so strongly about freedoms that others take for granted!
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Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Rally Against Islamofascism Day- Today Feb 1st!
At various hours during the day , today February 1st, and at different locations across America, a consortium of Christian, Jewish and Muslim groups will all join the United American Committee in sending a clear message across the nation against extremism and terrorism by showing their support for the U.S. military, our Coast Guard and Border Patrol, the FBI, Homeland Security and all other government agencies that protect us in the War on Terror. In addition, the rallies will also be to oppose Saudi Arabian influence in our government and at our universities at this time when the Saudis are actively involved in funding terrorism and furthering extremist ideologies. The UAC goal is to show a united front of the majority of Americans to tell congress to take action.
Attendees also hope to call attention and cite their opposition to political groups in the United States that claim to represent mainstream American Muslims yet support militant Islam by lending tacit support to terrorism under the guise of being "civil rights" groups. The UAC’s position is that such groups need to do more to actively denounce terrorism in support of our government and to cooperate with law enforcement.
New affiliates of the UAC are forming as far away as Canada, Germany and Australia that will also participate in the event.
Attendees are encouraged to dress in red, white and blue and bring American flags and yellow ribbons to cheer on US troops.
What is Islamo-fascism?
Fascism in definition is (from Webster's dictionary) is "A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."
Militant Islamic extremists wish for Islam to be an all encompassing lifestyle and governmental law, which fits quite well with Webster's definition of fascism, and is therefore...Islamofascism, a growing threat against democracy and the American way of life.The UAC seeks to send a strong message against totalitarian ideals being imported to our shores. As a unifying force among all Americans of all ethnic and religious backgrounds, The United American Committee seeks to awaken Americans to oppose increasing support at home by groups that lobby and promote Isalmo-fascism not only overseas but here at home in our libraries, our schools and in the media.
UAC asks all those willing to attend to invite as many fellow Americans to join them as possible to show support for America and our troops and to help wake up America to the present danger.
Main West Coast Rally:
West Los Angeles,
In front of the federal Building
11000 Wilshire Boulevard,
Time: 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Main East Coast Rally:
New York CityWorld Trade Center
NW Corner of Liberty St. and Trinity Pl.
Ground Zero,
Time: 1 PM
- Harrison, AR.Town Square at 10Am.
Southern CA:
- West Los Angeles,
In front of the federal Building
11000 Wilshire Boulevard,
Time: 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
- Los Angeles
- San Fernando Valley
Corner of Victory Blvd. & Topanga Cyn. Blvd.,
Time 4:00 PM
- La Habra
Northwest corner of Whittier Blvd. and Macy Street (west ofBeach Blvd.)
Time: 4:00 PM
- Long Beach California
Corner of Palo Verde and Spring,
Time: 4:00 PM
bring your flags
Sponsored by The Right Books For Long Beach
Northern CA:
- Auburn, CA
Grass Valley HWY (HWY 49) & Elm Ave.
Park in Grocery Outlet/Rite Aid Parking Lot,
Time: 1:00 PM
- Hayward, CA
Mission and Jackson/Foothill in front of flag display east of the intersection.
- Modesto, CA
street corners of Standiford and Sisk,
Time: 12:00 Noon
- Orlando
Intersection of State Road 436th (Semoran Blvd.) & Aloma Ave.
Winter Park, FL
Time 4:30-6:00
- Spring Hill, FL
corners of Northcliffe and Mariner Blvd
- Tampa/Clearwater
Courtney Campbell causeway boat ramp
Time: 7:00 am
With flags
- Boston
At the Capitol Steps/Boston Common
Time: 12:00 Noon
- Kansas City, MO:
J.C. Nichols FountainMill Creek Park
Corner of 47th and Nichols Parkway
Starting at 6pm
- Columbia, MO
One block south of Broadway on Providence Road in front of Bloomers Florists
from 4:15 TO 5:45p.
Parking for the event can be found at the "old Osco Drug Store" lot
- Jefferson City, MO
South side of Capitol building, across High Street from Federal Courthouse and Post Office
from 12 noon to 1pm.
- New York City
World Trade Center
NW Corner of Liberty St. and Trinity Pl.
Ground Zero,
Time: 1 PM
- Lansdale, PA
At the train station
Main Street & Green Street
Time: 2:00PM until 6:
- Columbia
Finlay Park
930 Laurel Street
Columbia SC
- Dallas
Intersection of Beltline and Addison
in Addison, TX.
Time: 4:30PM
- Houston
Houston rally canceled! Please go to Dallas rally
- Salt Lake City
west side of the Salt Lake City library
right by the intersection.
The address is 210 East. 400 South.
Time: 1-2:30 p.m
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Muhammad Cartoons .... For your enjoyment....

Thanks to Cox & Forkum for the PR Research cartoons....
The others can be found at... and (you have to visit this site)
The last one of Aisha with mohammed the child molester , well read it all at..... under Mohammed the child molester.
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