Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"Tolerance is a birthright, But respect is earned."

In today's Chicago Tribune, in the columnist's section we had the usual useful idiots that were tripping over themselves, apologizing over the cartoons that the Trib refuses to publish, proclaiming stupidities such as by John Kass: the cartoons are :

"Denigrating a great religion, one of the three great monotheistic religions in the world, one that promotes many of the same values preached by the political right in the U.S."

Does this useful idiot even have a clue of what is in the koran? Does he understand that muslims take every word literally?

Since when does the "political right in the U.S." condone the killing of non believers? (what does the right consider to be a non believer? Would that be the equivalent of condoning the killing of all left wingers? I suppose the right wing would first give the left winger the option of converting to the right wing first, just as the koran states that an unbeliever should be given the choice of converting or getting killed.)

Let's see , maybe he's referring to Mohamad's taste for little girls, after all Asha was only 9 when Mohamad had intercourse with her, and we all know that in islam ol Mo is the perfect example that all muslims must strive to emulate. So , does that mean that the right also endorsed child molestation? Is the right wingers in the US pettioning for the marriage age to be lowered to 9 for girls as it is in many muslim countries? NO? Hmmm...

I know , the political right is always calling for it's followers to kill all those that blasphemy their political leaders....Something along the lines of "Thou shall not draw the political rights politicians as cartoons.....Or else..... No?.....

Well I thought that islam and the right wing had the same values?

Then there's Steve Chapman, another useful idiot working for the Chicago Tribune.... With regards to muslims in Europe Steve writes:

"Though the cartoons appeared first in Denmark, the violent protests occurred far away, in places like Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Afghanistan. Still, the underlying worry about this whole episode is that it offers a dire warning for the fate of Europe.

The growing number of Muslims, it is argued, will eventually lead to the repression of anything critical of Islam. Journalist Mark Steyn speculated recently in The Wall Street Journal's online Opinion Journal that the continent could be under Sharia (Islamic religious law) by 2040. "We're already seeing a drift in that direction," he argued.

The danger, I gather, is that Europe's Muslims will be just as intolerant of criticism of their faith as Europe's Christians used to be of theirs. That would certainly be a bad thing. But to assume that more Muslims will inevitably turn France or Germany into a turbaned theocracy brings to mind the bumper sticker that says, "I get all the exercise I need jumping to conclusions."

In the first place, not all Muslims are alike. Just as Christianity encompasses everything from monasteries in Kenya to megachurches in Texas, Islam means different things in different places. Saudi Arabia, a model of religious totalitarianism, is the exception, not the norm. Muslim nations vary considerably in their policies on alcohol, women's rights, religious freedom, support for terrorism and the like.

It's true that vicious extremism does occasionally emerge--as when a Dutch filmmaker who publicly disparaged Islam was murdered by a radical Muslim in 2004. But the killer is hardly typical of his co-religionists on the continent.In Denmark, local Muslims responded to the cartoons in law-abiding ways--gathering petitions, talking to the newspaper editor, filing a criminal complaint, marching peacefully in Copenhagen. Only when the issue got attention in the Middle East did mayhem erupt. Even then, it occurred in only a few places, not all across the Muslim world......

His drible is the usual regurgitated, BS about how islam is a religion of peace, blah, blah, blah,... Only a handful of believers distorting the whole religion, blah, blah, blah.....

Of course , he has never bothered to actually see what really has happened in Denmark, London, etc ... with muslims calling for death to the cartoonists, etc... etc... Calling for another 7/7, 9/11 etc...

Yeah, they're such a peaceful bunch, Europe just needs to understand them better,.... good dhimmi, now put your head back into the sand, .... ignore the man behind the screen..... move on, there's nothing to see here.....who should you believe, your lying eyes and ears or the peac loving imans?

On the positive side, there is one columnist at the Chicago Tribune that does seem to have a backbone and actually might be getting it, he's making sense... Eric Zorn.

In Eric's column today he writes ......

"The early draft of my column Thursday contained what I thought was a tidy little epigram: "Tolerance is a birthright," it said. "But respect is earned."

An editor raised a concern: In the context of the column, which was about my support for the Danish newspaper that had published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that many Muslims found very offensive, this line sounded as though I was saying I didn't respect the Islamic faith.

That's not what I'm saying, I countered. What I'm saying is that just because people believe something--anything, take it out of the religious context if that helps--doesn't mean that belief is entitled to my "respect."

"Respect" to me signals a form of endorsement that may or may not fall short of agreement or admiration. I don't give it out on demand, and I don't think anyone should give it out because they're deathly afraid of what will happen if they don't."

Read the whole article at http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/ericzorn/chi-0602140262feb14,1,4808270.column?coll=chi-news-col

Eric is correct, respect must be earned......

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