Friday, October 29, 2004

Toady Oliver Twist... More Crickets Please.....

I love animals of all types and some of my favorites are frogs followed by toads. Well our house is a menagerie of animals. We have 3 cats, 4 fish tanks , a clawed African Frog, 2 tree frogs, a painted turtle and 6 fire bellied toads living with us indoors. Outdoors we have three ponds with various fish, frogs etc... Not to mention the various wildlife that roams through the area such as Deer, raccoons, possums, Fox, and of course those ever obnoxious little rodents ... Chipmunks!

Well this afternoon my husband called me to let me know that he was going to the pet shop to pick up crickets for our "babies" . Apparently one of our fire bellied toads gave him the "Oliver Twist" look as he peered into the vavirium as if to say..... "More crickets please".......

So off he went to gets crickets, cat food etc... Sometime I think it would be wonderful to come back as a house cat some other pet... Well so much for that thought... Back to reality..... Happy Halloween everyone!

Terrorist tape in English and the elections.....

It seems that the Islamic terrorists are at least being more open about their distaste for the things America holds dear, namely freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the rights of all citizens, equality of the sexes etc....

In the latest tape the cowardly masked jihadist drones on and on to state..... "After decades of American tyranny, now it's your turn to die." "What took place on September 11 was but the opening salvo of the global war on America and that our Lord willing, the magnitude and ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget all about September 11,"

Note the first part of statement ... After decades..... , these islamic jihadists are not something that emerged since Bush came into office, if you go back through out history you see that islam has been at war with the rest of the world, not just the Unites States of America since its inception.

To all the democrat's, fellow pro -choice feminists and liberals this is a time where we need to support the president . As an independent free thinking person I realize (and believe that others will too) that party loyalty has to take a back seat to the safety of my family and this nation.

Placing my families safety first does not mean that I do not take the slogans of choice and individuality seriously. Tammy Bruce a feminist author stated this well.....

"Isn't it ironic that there's nothing more radically individual these days than a liberal who doesn't conform?

For me, Authentic Feminism is rooted in making it possible for people to make the choices that best suit them. If you have recognized the weakness of John Kerry, and know in your heart a vote for the president is the right thing to do, join me and do it! It can be done with a clear conscience as you embrace the radical individual inside you that attracted you to liberal causes in the first place.

Because some things simply transcend party lines, when in front of that Early Voting touch screen, I stood there as an American first, and voted for George W. Bush. This nation, our lives, and the lives our children require nothing less.

I explain to detractors and supporters alike that President Bush is the man who will keep this nation safest. The president and I hold dramatically divergent views on a number of social issues of importance to me, and yet for the 3,000 people who died on September 11th, abortion rights and same-sex civil unions mean absolutely nothing to them now. These issues, while important to me and ones on which I will continue to speak out about, are luxuries in the face of a world war where the enemy is a stateless savage who hunts children and cuts off people's heads.

We have a responsibility to leave this nation as great as it is to the next generation. We all know, and must reflect on, the fact that the joy we have in our lives today is due to the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of other Americans who died fighting for this country. Those soldiers did not die because they were promised 72 virgins in the afterlife, they fought not for themselves they died in the most noble of American causes so future generations, us, could live in freedom.

I do not take that action for granted, and I have learned that generosity of spirit and commitment to freedom is inherent in each of us, and a duty we cannot shirk.

Those of you with children have a more immediate concern, which is the literal safety of the light of your life. That little face looks up at you as you tuck her in, and sleeps gently knowing that Mommy and Daddy are there. That same face stares at you in the morning, with a heart full of hope, limited only by her imagination because you confront, for her, the harsh realities of every day. And these days it's not just about making a living, it's about the Beslan school massacre, it's a new al-Qaida tape threatening Americans at home, it's about war and mad savages who have specifically targeted children.

I voted for President Bush because having a Pacifist Internationalist in the White House will only embolden those who salivate at the sight of our blood. Having a man in the White House who stands for nothing will only excite Islamic Fascists who revel in torture and the cutting off of heads. I do not want a man in the White House who is so cold, when asked by a New York Times reporter how September 11th changed him, answers , It didn't change me much at all.

While I know a Bush presidency makes my work as a feminist more complicated and demanding, I will love and be grateful for every day I have the luxury of working on those issues. And frankly, it's not necessarily a bad thing to have a president who encourages social activism on issues. Liberals make the mistake of thinking a Democrat president is indeed Daddy, who can be trusted in all things. Apathy soon follows that false comfort.

Bill Clinton showed us the decline of the Democratic Party into a gang spouting slogans to make women, gays and blacks feel Daddy was in the house, to our grave regret. What did we get? A sexual compulsive who put Monica Lewinsky on her knees instead of cutting bin Laden off at his.

Yes, there were plenty of Democrats, feminists, gays and blacks in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and on those fateful flights. I'm sure you would agree that in their last moments their literal lives were more important to them than party affiliation.

I want a president who will be strongest making sure tomorrow comes, that this nation not just survives, but emerges from this war like the others we have fought, in a world that has been transformed for the better. I want a president who understands this is war, not a nuisance.

I know George Bush has made many in the world angry, and frankly, I am dismayed at the hard feelings. A recent poll of Europeans revealed their general belief that Bush has made the world a more dangerous place.

Upon hearing that, I remind myself of the time President Reagan increased arms production and installed more Pershing Missiles in Europe as we faced down the Soviet Union. President Reagan grappled with European polls, anger and resentment, all of which evaporated when the Soviet regime collapsed.

Yes, they hated Reagan, but he plodded on, never swayed by those polls or made doubtful by others hatred. His resolve freed Europe from the shadow of a bear which had no mercy and the blood of tens of millions on its paws. As a man of faith with a love of this country, Reagan stayed the course, and did what he knew had to be done. He was a leader, and I'm proud to say, one that only America could deliver.

Today, President Bush faces the same polls, the same anger, and the same resentment as he, too, recognizes and engages a rabid enemy of civilization, Islamo-Fascists. Europeans felt Reagan was leading them to Armageddon, as they now insist Bush is doing. We can't know what it's like for Europeans to see such a young nation doing so many things, but one thing Europe will find, again, is that while we may be wild, young and even cowboys on occasion, we have a pretty good track record of making the world a safer and better place.

With George W. Bush at the helm, this time will be no different.

I voted for President Bush because he has freed 50 million people, 25 million of which are women and girls. The feminist establishment, in a shameful exhibit of their hypocrisy, has ignored that fact. As a feminist, I thank the president with my vote, in solidarity with the millions of Afghan and Iraqi women who now, courtesy of the president and our astounding military, finally have hope, liberty and freedom.

Like all of our presidents, George W. Bush is quintessentially an American. He's a Cowboy. A Texan. He will never be mistaken for a Frenchman. He's a Yalie. He's a man of faith, a husband and father. He's a man who has fought with and overcome addiction. He's a man of strength and character.

And while he is also wrong on some issues, if I have to work harder on social issues, I want it to be against a man whom I can admire, who I know, despite our disagreements, honors me in his work to keep this nation free and great.

For those of you who are Democrats and liberals, and I know through my years as a leader in left wing causes, including feminist and gay activism,we all have gone through a sort of conditioning that makes dissent or difference a frightening prospect. Republicans and conservatives have been decidedly demonized in your circle, perhaps by your own friends and family.

Let me tell you this--voting for the President does not change who you are or what you stand for. I stand for the classical liberal concepts of personal liberty and individualism, and have spent a great deal of my adult life working for those causes. I have found that Choice and Individualism are only slogans if you never act on them. Sometimes being yourself means straying from the expected, standing apart from your crowd.

November 2nd is a good a day to be a Democrat who's an American first."

Great words to rember as we go to the polling boths next week.... Our lives , and our families lives depend on the choice that we make.... Have a good weekend !

Baltc Waves

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Baltic waves of thoughts on all things important and irrelevant

Here we are another day closer to election day and as usual the ravings and ranting are getting worse and worse. I'm at the point that I get a headache listening and reading it all.

While I consider my self an independent with strong conservative leanings, there is a lot that I cannot agree with in the Republican party. I believe in a woman's right to have control over her body within reason. (I believe that within the first trimester she has a right to choose, I do not believe in partial birth abortions or other late term abortions) I also believe that while a woman has the ultimate right to choose during the 1st trimester I also believe that her partner should also be informed.

I am a strong believer in the freedom of religion , a persons right to choose what they believe in or don't believe in. At the same time I recognize that this country was built on Judea Christian beliefs and I hate the fact that we have peoples that want to throw that away for something called political correctness. If I do not have the same beliefs as some one else that is fine. I am not going to try to convert them to my beliefs and I do not expect them to try to convert me. At the same time I do not take offense in seeing a Cross, a star of David , or a Buddha in a public area. Get over it folks! As for prayers in Schools, if someone wants to say a silent prayer before a test to whomever or what ever that they pray to, more power to them... As long as it is silent and no one else is disrupted, who cares! If on the other hand someone expects special treatment for their beliefs then either go to a private school and pay for the privilege of doing what ever it is you want to do with those that share your beliefs or shut up! (This sentiment also holds true for atheists, if you can't stand the thought that others disagree with you set up your own institutions!)

Anyway, I firmly believe that in this election the number one issue is security for our country. And after 9/11 there is no turning back to a 9/10 mindset. For the sake of our selves , our children and grand children we need to continue to have strong leadership in the oval office, a president that will not waiver, a president that is not going to ask other countries for permission to defend our homeland. While I may not agree with everything that President Bush says I DO believe he is the correct man for this job!