Thursday, October 28, 2004

Baltic waves of thoughts on all things important and irrelevant

Here we are another day closer to election day and as usual the ravings and ranting are getting worse and worse. I'm at the point that I get a headache listening and reading it all.

While I consider my self an independent with strong conservative leanings, there is a lot that I cannot agree with in the Republican party. I believe in a woman's right to have control over her body within reason. (I believe that within the first trimester she has a right to choose, I do not believe in partial birth abortions or other late term abortions) I also believe that while a woman has the ultimate right to choose during the 1st trimester I also believe that her partner should also be informed.

I am a strong believer in the freedom of religion , a persons right to choose what they believe in or don't believe in. At the same time I recognize that this country was built on Judea Christian beliefs and I hate the fact that we have peoples that want to throw that away for something called political correctness. If I do not have the same beliefs as some one else that is fine. I am not going to try to convert them to my beliefs and I do not expect them to try to convert me. At the same time I do not take offense in seeing a Cross, a star of David , or a Buddha in a public area. Get over it folks! As for prayers in Schools, if someone wants to say a silent prayer before a test to whomever or what ever that they pray to, more power to them... As long as it is silent and no one else is disrupted, who cares! If on the other hand someone expects special treatment for their beliefs then either go to a private school and pay for the privilege of doing what ever it is you want to do with those that share your beliefs or shut up! (This sentiment also holds true for atheists, if you can't stand the thought that others disagree with you set up your own institutions!)

Anyway, I firmly believe that in this election the number one issue is security for our country. And after 9/11 there is no turning back to a 9/10 mindset. For the sake of our selves , our children and grand children we need to continue to have strong leadership in the oval office, a president that will not waiver, a president that is not going to ask other countries for permission to defend our homeland. While I may not agree with everything that President Bush says I DO believe he is the correct man for this job!


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