Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Here it is Tuesday morning in the great Midwest Chicago land area, and it is wet! With all the hupla last night and even this morning about the freezing rain I actually left the house at 5:00 AM thinking it would be the commute from hell..... actually, it wasn't all that bad. On a great morning , with little traffic, I can make it into work in about an hour, this morning , it was an hour and 20 minutes.

So.... I am hopeing that the temps stay around the 30's and that the weather men are wrong,..... we'll see what this afternoon brings.... (Hey, at least I get to take the train home tonight!)

On another note, a friend just underwent major surgery yesterday, she broke her neck in a fall last week that she took on her deck. She's been battling alcoholism for the last 18 months or so, and she had been drinking when she took the fall, I'm hopeing and praying that she recovers from this without any paralysis and that maybe this will be the wake up call she needs to get her life back on track. Unfortunately even last week she seemed to be in denial about how bad her drinking problem was. I'm keeping her in my prayers, I'm hoping that others will also.

Well, please keep warm and safe everyone....

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Monday, December 03, 2007

Porky Pig to be renamed Mohammid/Mohammed - News at 11!

There's been a lot of news about the crazy islamist and their latest nuttiness, a full scale (what else) riot over a teddy bear named Mohammid. (personally I wouldn't want to name any thing cute and cuddly after a murdering child rapist, pedophile, such as mohammed, but that just me....) So , how about something more in line with the nature of Ol Mo, lets rename Porky the Pig, ..... MOHAMMID!

Actually , I like Porky , so that would really be an insult to Porky and all Pigs, cartoon, stuffed, or real..... Hmmm..... I guess I will have to think on this one a bit longer.....

Anyways , There's been allot of great articles , comments etc... regarding this latest travesty of the cult called islam.... the following are some great links... http://www.therudenews.com/?p=178 for your latest teddy bears for islamists and others....

and of course Robert Spencer at http://jihadwatch.org/ nails it with the following observations....

"Many have said that we are in is as much an ideological war as a shooting war. In so many ways, words can be as effective as bullets and bombs. So how do we win the war of ideas against the jihadists? By remembering the Will Rogers Rule.

The great Depression-era comedian was a huge political force because he understood that you can do more political damage by hanging a good joke on someone than by calling him names. And that’s what we need to do in the defense against the global jihad and Islamic supremacism. Our greatest weapons can be humor and ridicule.

Sure, the jihadists look lethally formidable now, but if they can be undone by a stuffed animal, let’s beam Jackie Mason and Dennis Miller behind the Quranic curtain, and end this thing once and for all. "

So in that spirit...... I hope you enjoyed the pictures, cartoons , and stuffed mohammed pig......
Make fun of all the crazy islamists and their pedophile leader at every chance!
I just read the following post in Dhimmi Watch.....
"Everyone should start naming their pets Mohammed."
I suggested that very thing myself just yesterday when I posted
"A Fish Named Muhammad".
Posted by: phlembol
What a great name for a plecostomus - other wise known by some as an algae eater, or a scum sucker, therefor to honor OL MO, we here by re name one of our plecostomus's -- Piggy Mohammed II!
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