Where the hell is the WORLD's Outrage.....
Hamas To Convert Synagogue to Weapons Museum
What the F- - K! Where the hell is the world's outrage? Newsweek prints a false rumor that a koran was dunked in a toilet , and the entire planet goes apeshit! Hamas ( a pigsh-it, dirtbag group of two bit hoodlumm and murders) announces that they're going to turn a Jewish house of worship into a memorial to mass murder ... and the silence is deafening." From the New York Sun,
WASHINGTON - Emboldened by Israel's withdrawal from Gaza and part of the West Bank, Hamas yesterday announced its plan to turn a synagogue in Netzarim into a museum that would display weapons employed by the terrorist group's members against Israeli civilians.
A statement issued yesterday by Hamas said, "Qassam rockets and other locally made arms will be exposed, since it is the legal weapon that evicted the occupation forces." The Middle East Media Research Institute yesterday reported that recent sermons delivered by Hamas leaders pledged to resist efforts from the Palestinian Authority to disarm the organization ahead of upcoming elections....
And of course, what does the rest of the world do...... Absolutely NOTHING! Unbelievable!....
So far, America and its allies have accepted that there is little Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas can do to tame Hamas. On Tuesday the Quartet, a diplomatic group comprising America, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations, released a statement that envisioned the disarming of Hamas in phases and not necessarily as a precondition for its participation in parliamentary elections on January 25.
"We also agreed that ultimately those who want to be part of the political process should not engage in armed group or militia activities," the joint statement said. "For there is a fundamental contradiction between such activities and the building of a democratic state."
A reader of Jihad Watch www.jihadwatch.org , miira made a great comment....
Brings to mind a scene from 'Beneath the planet of the apes' where the mutants live in the Forbidden Zone and worship an atomic bomb they believe is an instrument of peace.
Now remember everyone, keep repeating.... islam is a religion of peace.......(gag...gag...gag)
Have a great weekend!
Here's to hoping that Rita is a mild mannered girl and doesn't hit too hard...... (one can only hope and dream, and..... prey, if you believe in prayer.....it can't hurt..........)
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What the F- - K! Where the hell is the world's outrage? Newsweek prints a false rumor that a koran was dunked in a toilet , and the entire planet goes apeshit! Hamas ( a pigsh-it, dirtbag group of two bit hoodlumm and murders) announces that they're going to turn a Jewish house of worship into a memorial to mass murder ... and the silence is deafening." From the New York Sun,
WASHINGTON - Emboldened by Israel's withdrawal from Gaza and part of the West Bank, Hamas yesterday announced its plan to turn a synagogue in Netzarim into a museum that would display weapons employed by the terrorist group's members against Israeli civilians.
A statement issued yesterday by Hamas said, "Qassam rockets and other locally made arms will be exposed, since it is the legal weapon that evicted the occupation forces." The Middle East Media Research Institute yesterday reported that recent sermons delivered by Hamas leaders pledged to resist efforts from the Palestinian Authority to disarm the organization ahead of upcoming elections....
And of course, what does the rest of the world do...... Absolutely NOTHING! Unbelievable!....
So far, America and its allies have accepted that there is little Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas can do to tame Hamas. On Tuesday the Quartet, a diplomatic group comprising America, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations, released a statement that envisioned the disarming of Hamas in phases and not necessarily as a precondition for its participation in parliamentary elections on January 25.
"We also agreed that ultimately those who want to be part of the political process should not engage in armed group or militia activities," the joint statement said. "For there is a fundamental contradiction between such activities and the building of a democratic state."
A reader of Jihad Watch www.jihadwatch.org , miira made a great comment....
Brings to mind a scene from 'Beneath the planet of the apes' where the mutants live in the Forbidden Zone and worship an atomic bomb they believe is an instrument of peace.
Now remember everyone, keep repeating.... islam is a religion of peace.......(gag...gag...gag)
Have a great weekend!
Here's to hoping that Rita is a mild mannered girl and doesn't hit too hard...... (one can only hope and dream, and..... prey, if you believe in prayer.....it can't hurt..........)
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