Friday, September 23, 2005

Where the hell is the WORLD's Outrage.....

Hamas To Convert Synagogue to Weapons Museum

What the F- - K! Where the hell is the world's outrage? Newsweek prints a false rumor that a koran was dunked in a toilet , and the entire planet goes apeshit! Hamas ( a pigsh-it, dirtbag group of two bit hoodlumm and murders) announces that they're going to turn a Jewish house of worship into a memorial to mass murder ... and the silence is deafening." From the New York Sun,

WASHINGTON - Emboldened by Israel's withdrawal from Gaza and part of the West Bank, Hamas yesterday announced its plan to turn a synagogue in Netzarim into a museum that would display weapons employed by the terrorist group's members against Israeli civilians.

A statement issued yesterday by Hamas said, "Qassam rockets and other locally made arms will be exposed, since it is the legal weapon that evicted the occupation forces." The Middle East Media Research Institute yesterday reported that recent sermons delivered by Hamas leaders pledged to resist efforts from the Palestinian Authority to disarm the organization ahead of upcoming elections....

And of course, what does the rest of the world do...... Absolutely NOTHING! Unbelievable!....

So far, America and its allies have accepted that there is little Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas can do to tame Hamas. On Tuesday the Quartet, a diplomatic group comprising America, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations, released a statement that envisioned the disarming of Hamas in phases and not necessarily as a precondition for its participation in parliamentary elections on January 25.

"We also agreed that ultimately those who want to be part of the political process should not engage in armed group or militia activities," the joint statement said. "For there is a fundamental contradiction between such activities and the building of a democratic state."

A reader of Jihad Watch , miira made a great comment....

Brings to mind a scene from 'Beneath the planet of the apes' where the mutants live in the Forbidden Zone and worship an atomic bomb they believe is an instrument of peace.

Now remember everyone, keep repeating.... islam is a religion of peace.......(gag...gag...gag)

Have a great weekend!

Here's to hoping that Rita is a mild mannered girl and doesn't hit too hard...... (one can only hope and dream, and..... prey, if you believe in can't hurt..........)
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The mad mullah awards ... and more.......

Click here to order you Defeat Jihad bumper sticker as seen above. Proceeds go to ......

In another case of "religious tolerance' in a "muslum paradise", this time Pakistan, 22 religious organizations have called for the execution of Younis Masih, a 40 year old Christian who was jailed after allegedly making derogatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad, per Pakistan's Daily Times:

Difa-e-Islam Mahaz (Front for IslamÂ’sdefensee), an alliance of 22 Sunni religiousorganizationss, demanded that alleged blasphemer Younis Masih be given the death sentence.

Dozens of Mahaz activists and Kainchi Amer Sidhu residents staged a peaceful demonstration outside the Lahore Press Club on Monday and displayed placards with slogans ‘Hang the blasphemer’, ‘Blasphemer of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) must be hanged immediately’ and ‘We are ready to sacrifice everything fodefenseefence and protection of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) dignity’.

Mahaz speakers opposed the recent amendment made in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) that a superintendent of police must investigate the blasphemy case before lodging the first information report. They declared the amendment “anti-Islamic” and demanded the restoration of the original procedure for registering blasphemy cases.

They said that they would continue their struggle till Masih was sentenced to death.

In a great response to the above article on dhimmi watch :
f.g. posted.....

"Muslims worship and revere a man, Mohammad, as though he were a god. He is in fact set up as such a holy object worship that slighting him is punishable by death. Muslims also exhibit fetishism in their reverence and worship of the Koran. These practices, the worship of men and fetishism, are clearly primitive superstitious beliefs that contradict their dogmatic insistence in the sole worship of Allah. Clearly the psyche of Islam is a schizophrenic dog's breakfast of superstition and less than pure monotheistic dogma. Muslims worship three gods. Allah, Mohammad, and the Koran. They hold these three up so high that no part of this Islamic trinity can be insulted or slighted without drawing the death penalty. What further proof does anyone need of Islam's spiritual hypocrisy and bankruptcy?"

Here, here!

On another note, there are a number of interesting bloggers out there in the blogisphere, and Z. (a fellow Chicagoan) has an excellent post on islamic hadiths that really tick off her feminist muslim-self. (I know, that is in itsef a contradiction, but there seems to be hope for this gal!) Her post covers the 7 levels of Islamic hell, what awaits muslim women when they get to Heaven, why most women won't even go to heaven, and the 99 dragons that will be with you in your grave. (hey, I've always thought that Dragons were pretty Cool myself ! )

Now that we've gotten through the Emmy Awards on Sunday, Nadz a ME bloger, hosts the "Mad Mullah awards" ...... you can see it in your minds eye...Just watch Nadz handing out the awards , its a great read... Don't miss it! (I wonder what the award statue would look like, maybe a bit Mad Magazine meets Osama in a blender!)

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Monday, September 19, 2005

Defeat Jihad Bumper Stickers - Now Available!

The above bumper sticker is available at , Proceeds from "Defeat Jihad" stickers donated to Jihad Watch . Common folks, lets stand up for freedom, order your bumper sticker today!

On another note, Robert Spencer said this on the Allen Colmes show last Friday and Allen was appalled, now Andrew McCarthy says it in National Review (thanks to DC Watson on ) :

Radical mosques are the spark lighting the fuse that can kill Americans. That has killed Americans. That will kill more if we let it. Such killing sprees, moreover, are plotted by young, male, Muslim militants who often enter to the United States on student and other visas from places known to sponsor or export terrorism.

None of this is news. But it is cloaked in taboo. Thus, controversy was stoked last week when Mitt Romney, the Massachusetts governor and potential Republican 2008 presidential hopeful, did something that you should never do in this country. Not, at least, if you want to escape the caterwauling of civil liberties extremists and a cacophony of activist Muslim organizations whose knee-jerk approach to "opposing" terror is indignant spewing at every effort made to prevent it.

He told the truth.

Gov. Romney suggested that in the ongoing war, we ought to be investigating mosques that preach Islamic militancy and the young men who come to this country from rogue precincts of the Islamic world.

For giving voice to such a notion, Romney's comeuppance is to have the usual suspects screaming for an apology.

Instead, we should be giving him a medal.

Monitoring radical mosques is exactly what we ought to be doing if we want to avoid domestic terror attacks on the United States. It should be the top priority. And not due to conjecture. We know for certain, and we have known for many years, that modern terrorists are inspired by the Islamic extremism they are routinely fed in mosques — whether here, or in Europe. Not all mosques, but many of them.

---The only problem here is that we cannot know which mosques need monitoring without monitoring them. As long ago as 1999 Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani testified before a State Department Open Forum: "The most dangerous thing that is going on now in these mosques, that has been sent upon these mosques around the United States – like churches they were established by different organizations and that is ok – but the problem with our communities is the extremist ideology. Because they are very active they took over the mosques; and we can say that they took over more than 80% of the mosques that have been established in the US. And there are more than 3000 mosques in the US. So it means that the methodology or ideology of extremist has been spread to 80% of the Muslim population, but not all of them agree with it."

---Kabbani's testimony is now over six years old and has never been investigated. It is time to do so. Let mosques prove they are not among that 80% (if Kabbani is right) by cooperating actively with investigations to that end.

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Friday, September 16, 2005

Mid September Already!

Well, it's been a busy time these last weeks, with summer having been in full swing, all kinds of summer events and everything in between.

I've been very fortunate and have been able to spend more time then usual with family and friends. This summer we've been busy with bar-b-q's , camping, swimming etc...

It's nice to be able to have family living close by! The best part is watching the little ones, the nieces and nephews as they interact with each other, and the rest of the family.

It's also been a busy summer in terms of world events. As usual it seems that our wonderfull friends , the believers of islam, have been at it again. Just to site the "high" points (Larger acts of terrorism, etc..), in July we've had the bombings in England, in August the bombings in Bangladesh, and of course there is the ever popular bombings in Iraq this past week were "holy Warrior' suicide bombers staged twelve separate attacks against Shia civilians (mostly day laborers looking for work). About one-hundred and thirty-five are slaughtered, with over three-hundred others injured. (Don't forget, even in Islam where everyone claims that their koran is the final word on everything , they still can't agree on which translation, and which sect is the true one!, therefore we have the "my sect is holier then your sect " bombings of fellow muslims who are just not muslim enough!)

To keep a daily tally of what those wacky islamics are doing , (You know fun stats such as deaths, and injured at each event) go to: Islam the religion of peace and white knuckle terror at

Have fun boys and girls!

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