Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The mad mullah awards ... and more.......

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In another case of "religious tolerance' in a "muslum paradise", this time Pakistan, 22 religious organizations have called for the execution of Younis Masih, a 40 year old Christian who was jailed after allegedly making derogatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad, per Pakistan's Daily Times:

Difa-e-Islam Mahaz (Front for IslamÂ’sdefensee), an alliance of 22 Sunni religiousorganizationss, demanded that alleged blasphemer Younis Masih be given the death sentence.

Dozens of Mahaz activists and Kainchi Amer Sidhu residents staged a peaceful demonstration outside the Lahore Press Club on Monday and displayed placards with slogans ‘Hang the blasphemer’, ‘Blasphemer of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) must be hanged immediately’ and ‘We are ready to sacrifice everything fodefenseefence and protection of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) dignity’.

Mahaz speakers opposed the recent amendment made in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) that a superintendent of police must investigate the blasphemy case before lodging the first information report. They declared the amendment “anti-Islamic” and demanded the restoration of the original procedure for registering blasphemy cases.

They said that they would continue their struggle till Masih was sentenced to death.

In a great response to the above article on dhimmi watch :
f.g. posted.....

"Muslims worship and revere a man, Mohammad, as though he were a god. He is in fact set up as such a holy object worship that slighting him is punishable by death. Muslims also exhibit fetishism in their reverence and worship of the Koran. These practices, the worship of men and fetishism, are clearly primitive superstitious beliefs that contradict their dogmatic insistence in the sole worship of Allah. Clearly the psyche of Islam is a schizophrenic dog's breakfast of superstition and less than pure monotheistic dogma. Muslims worship three gods. Allah, Mohammad, and the Koran. They hold these three up so high that no part of this Islamic trinity can be insulted or slighted without drawing the death penalty. What further proof does anyone need of Islam's spiritual hypocrisy and bankruptcy?"

Here, here!

On another note, there are a number of interesting bloggers out there in the blogisphere, and Z. (a fellow Chicagoan) has an excellent post on islamic hadiths that really tick off her feminist muslim-self. (I know, that is in itsef a contradiction, but there seems to be hope for this gal!) Her post covers the 7 levels of Islamic hell, what awaits muslim women when they get to Heaven, why most women won't even go to heaven, and the 99 dragons that will be with you in your grave. (hey, I've always thought that Dragons were pretty Cool myself ! )

Now that we've gotten through the Emmy Awards on Sunday, Nadz a ME bloger, hosts the "Mad Mullah awards" ...... you can see it in your minds eye...Just watch Nadz handing out the awards , its a great read... Don't miss it! (I wonder what the award statue would look like, maybe a bit Mad Magazine meets Osama in a blender!)

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