Friday, July 22, 2005

The weekends here!

Well it looks like the people in London are again finding out about the "peaceful inner strugle" of Islamic Jihad. Luckly The London Police were able to kill this last Jihadi before he was able to kill others... When will the public wake up?

The following is a great article written by Vernon Richards in

Islamic Culpability It is way past time to give it up people. We have tried to target various vile terrorists, while at the same time pumping up Islam, but its just not working. As we fight terrorists, we have been unable to face the stark reality that Islam, and the example of their revered prophet, are the chief motivation behind various terrorist foot-soldiers. It’s not a ‘culture’, it’s not a few deviants, it’s not a government or nation, it’s the religion. As we look first one way, and then the other, in-you-face Muslim leaders and lay continue their Jihad against us, pushing their young men to commit acts of inhumane brutality in the name of their hateful god Allah. Previously unthinkable news and images invades our living rooms on a daily basis. Only the dead and dumb can continue to hide from the facts surrounding a philosophy calling itself a religion, hell-bent on murdering or enslaving the rest of humanity. For those able to think, here is a news flash: The 9/11 hijackers, the London Bombers, the Beslan child-killers, the Chechen terrorists, the Palestinian terrorists, the Madrid terrorists, the Darfur killers, the Iraqi murderers, The Bali bombers, and innumerable acts of murder and carnage, are all linked. The common linkage, is that the victimizers are all devout Muslims! Yes, that wonderful ‘religion of peace’ we have been so careful to respect. And while the foot-soldiers act to weaken Western influence and institutions, ‘moderate Islam’ continues to do what it does best, hide militants living amongst them and silently cheer from the sidelines. The common denominator in this equation of violence is ISLAM. The common script for all these violent plays is the Qur’an, the Sira, and the Hadith collection. The identical characters for all these ugly occurrences are devout Muslims well steeped in Islamic verse and prose.

In our need to believe all religion is good, we continue to place blame everywhere else, anywhere else, even ourselves, except where it is due. Naïve to the methods and history of Islam, most of us transfer our own religious experience onto undeserving Muslims, incorrectly assuming that going to the Mosque and more prayer will dissuade Muslims from acts of evil, when it works exactly the opposite. Whereas most religionists leave their places of worship more docile, reflective, and less likely to do harm to others, in Islam worshipers leave the Mosques on Friday and go on murderous riots to avenge some perceived slight. Never, NEVER, encourage a disturbed Muslim to read the Qur’an, or go to a mosque and pray. It is only when nominal Muslims actually learn the facts of who Muhammad actually was and what he expects, that they are at risk to become terrorists. Thank heaven most Muslims don’t know too much of their own history and teachings, and it is best to keep it that way. Unfamiliarity and lack of dedication to the Torah and Bible prevents good Jews and Christians from becoming better men and women, but unfamiliarity and lack of dedication to the Qur’an prevents good Muslims from becoming bad Muslims.

For non-Muslims, self-preservation dictates that it is essential to become familiar with the actual teachings and example of Muhammad. Even if you don’t know your own religion very well, or if you have no religion at all, each of us had better become knowledgeable of the philosophy and people bent on killing, converting, or enslaving us all. Without that armor of truth, our societies, cultures, and nations will eventually fall to Islam’s methods and tactics. NO ONE should listen to the taqiyya (misinformation) constantly issued by Islamic apologists and propagandists. Each of us needs to take personal responsibility to know and understand the enemy seeking our demise. I suggest you start with my E-Book Islam Undressed, and move on to other sites like To gain insight into the reality of Islam’s culpability, consider the following article recently released:

CNN - Jul 20 2005 - Father of 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta warns of 50-year war. The father of one of the September 11 hijackers said today he had no sorrow for what had happened in London and claimed more terrorist attacks would follow. Egyptian Mohamed el-Amir, whose son Mohamed Atta commandeered the first plane that crashed into the World Trade Centre in New York , said there was a double standard in the way the world viewed the victims in London and victims in the Islamic world. El-Amir said the attacks in the US and the July 7 attacks in Britain were the beginning of what would be a 50-year religious war, in which there would be many more fighters like his son. Speaking to a CNN producer in his apartment in the upper-middle-class Cairo suburb of Giza , he declared that terror cells around the world were a "nuclear bomb that has now been activated and is ticking". Cursing in Arabic, el-Amir also denounced Arab leaders and Muslims who condemned the London attacks as being traitors and non-Muslims. He passionately vowed that he would do anything within his power to encourage more attacks.

So after reading this; who is responsible for Mohammed Atta’s acts on 9/11, does this revelation implicate his father? Certainly it makes it clear there was a family/culture component supporting the path he took, but from where in turn did his father derive his value system which he obviously he instilled in his son, Mmmmm? Well, get a grip, and stop looking the other way, …the manifest truth is that both the father and son have a clear grasp of real Islam, and they practice it! Stare it right in the face, and do not blink. They learned it from sacred Islamic scripture and from a lifetime at the mosque and listening to pious Imams. The father fears no backlash to his comments from his friends, neighbors, and Muslim countrymen because ...there is nothing to fear. The man receives more congratulations than condemnations. This from Egypt , a supposedly friendly nation who receives as much US aid as Israel . Hello, …its Islam peoples! From the growing Muslim Brotherhood group in Egypt we get men like this, and the original terrorists who first attempted to bring down the NY Twin Towers. To travel into the minds of Muslims is like going to the land of OZ , everything is different, and much is manifestly evil. Be sure you have your ruby slippers on before going there, you will often feel the urge to click your heals three times and say; “there’s no place like home…”. When you get back, you will want a shower. If you are not Islamophobic yet, then you are either already dead, or stupid. Becoming Islamophobic is the graduation certificate you get upon moving from delusion and ignorance, to full-awareness. When you have arrived, wear it with pride.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

Pictures of the faithful from the religion of peace (sarcasm on)

A Hindu being beaten by Muslims in a mosque in Bangladesh. He was captured outside the mosque while going home. After Friday prayers were over, the Muslims came out and grabbed the first Hindu they could. Mr. Vimal Patak a Bangladeshi born Hindu was beaten to death with sticks as the Muslim mullas (priests) chanted "kill the Kafir!" (non-muslim). With folded hands he begged for his life and died a brutal death. It clearly show the cruelty of Islam. "

From the book of peace, (sarcasm on) ,the koran, 1st picture on the left , A Palestinian crowd waves entrails of butchered Israeli victims in Ramala and on the right one of the "peaceful" faithful , proudly following the words of their faker profit......

5:33, The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter; [Anyone who disbeliefs in Islam and speaks against it is considered to be waging war against Allah and his messenger]

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." -Pascal

While islam is barbaric and evil , in the wake of Congressman Tancredo's remarks I agree with Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald :

It would have been better to make the following point: during the Cold War, the Soviet rulers knew that if they did certain things, certain things would be done by NATO or the American government. And the knowledge of what might be done, would be done, in return, helped prevent the Soviet rulers from doing what they might otherwise have done.

So it would be helpful to make suggestions as to what would constitute deterrence. These might include, not destroying Mecca, which would cause maddened Muslims everywhere to attack and kill Infidels -- and the problem with Islam is that it contains many elements of a violent cult that cannot be wished away, or hidden any longer. Is that something we wish to create? But more sober discussion of how, for example, points of entry and exit into Mecca, could systematically be reduced in number, or airfields used by pilgrims made unusable, is a different suggestion, one that need not be final.

It is now clear to Muslims in the West, or to some of them, that their assumption about continued Western appeasement, based on continued misunderstanding of Islam, was wrong. The EU's foreign policy is still in place, but Bat Ye'or's "Eurabia" is circulating -- even at the highest levels of the Pentagon. Eventually, the instrument of terror will awaken enough Infidels to the permanent problem of Muslims in their midst, who may be "moderate" or "immoderate," whose brand of "moderation" may be real, or feigned, permanent or temporary, immune or not immune to all the personal setbacks, including depressive fits, that a certain number of people in any population, Muslim or non-Muslim, may experience, but that in the case of Muslims, inexorably leads, given that the universe is viewed through the prism of Islam, to attacks on Infidels.

So by all means let there be discussion of deterrence. Such deterrrence could consist of a series of measures, steadily rising in significance.

These could include, but not be limited to:

1) Seizure of Saudi-owned assets in the West, and sale of such assets to pay for the economic damage, including the cost of surveillance and other security measures, that are attributable to Saudi-funded mosques, madrasas, and propaganda all over the world.

2) Seizure of other Arab-owned or Muslim-owned assets in the West, for the same reasons. There need not be any distinction made between property owned by governments and those who are deemed to be enemy nationals -- no such distinction was made during World War II.

3) A complete ban on Muslim migration to the Western world (which needs to be undertaken in any case), and limits put on any contact between Muslims living in the West, who may already have obtained ciizenship and -- unless they are native-born converts -- their countries of origin.

4) Government-sponsored centers to teach people about Islam outside of universities which have been captured in too many places by the apologists for Islam, both Muslim and non=-Muslim, or overnment fellowships for study at institutes set up, not necessarily by the government, to create a cadre of people well-versed in the tenets of Islam and the history of Jihad-conquest.

5) War-footing (i.e., Manhattan Project support for solar and wind and nuclear energy projects, for conservation, and for mass transit, including that such as Amtrak which may lose money, but should be cheerfully subsidized by a more intelligent policy.

6) An end to all outward and visible signs of phony "respect" for Islam, including the refusal to mention "Islmaic terrorism" or "Muslim terrorism." Use these adjectives. Use the word "jihad." Stop all attempts at verbal escamotage, where we are left with deliberate vagueness.

7) End all access to Western education, not only for those Arabs and Muslims studying any kind of science, but in all areas. Instead of attempting the hopeless project of "educating them" out of their belief-system, notice how many terrorists have taken advantage of Western education, and how many A. Q. Khans, or his epigones, have learned from their time in the West how to better damage that West.

8) End all access to the Western world for the children of the ruling elites all over the Muslim world. Without this escape hatch, those rulers will have to begin to consider how to ameliorate things in their own countries.

9) End the jizyah of Infidel aid to Muslim states, such as Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, and whatever the latest political instrument of the shock troops of the Jihad against Israel, the "Palestinians," may be called. Call attention to the $10 trillion that has already been recdeived by the Muslim members of OPEC in the last 1/3 century, and continue to advise those Pakistans, Egyptians, Jordanians and "Palestinians" to ask for that aid no longer from the Infidels, who suddenly have to pay higher prices for oil and hundreds of billions more for security all over the Western world, but to those Arab and Muslim states that, not coincidentally, are receiving those hundreds of billions more in oil revenues each year.

10) Keep the focus clearly on the belief-system of Islam and on Jihad. And after the next small terrorist attack on Infidels -- say, 10 killed - begin to legislate to make sure that some of the measures suggested above become not merely ideas but the law.

11) Clean out the taxpayer-funded government radio and television stations of those who have so misled us about Islam over the past 20-30 years. Begin, possibly, by firing John Simpson, the deeply, conspiratorially anti-Israel head of the BBC World Affairs broadcasting, the same John Simpson (a close friend of Peter Hounam, whose conspiracy book is the kind of thing that antisemites love to flog) who described the Muslim bombers in London as "misguided criminals." That should have been enough to cause his discharge. Why wasn't it? What will it take for the long-suffering British license-payers to demand a change in the BBC coverage and, to begin with, in the personnel in charge of reporting on the Middle East and Islam, where the Lord-Haw-Haw business has gotten way out of hand?

These are things that can be done, should be done, long before suggestions about "bombing Mecca" need to be bruited about.

Talk of attacking Mecca, instead of all of these other suggestions (which do include limiting easy access to Mecca, something which the Saudis already do in limiting the number of visitors), is not likely to be helpful.

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Friday, July 15, 2005

A refreshing breath of politically un PC air... from a ME blogger....and hooray! It's the weekend!

Hello - It's Friday, the weekend is coming up and I can't wait to get out of work today! We have summer hours , whereby , if you work extra time Mon-Thurs you can leave early on Friday.

I'm driving to Michigan , so I'm hoping to get out of Chicago before the traffic gets too bad, you can never tell, sometimes it can take over 2 hours just to get downtown from O'Hare, it can be a nightmare!

There is a wonderful Celtic Festival this weekend in Saline , Michigan, just outside of Ann Arbor. I'm looking forward to going there and getting together with old friends and in general having a good time.

This morning I was perusing my favorite blogs and ran across this great entry from Big pharaoh... , He really hits a home run with this one, hats off to you, I just wish more people felt this way........

Thursday, July 14, 2005
The Idiot's Guide to a Better World

The world would be a much better place if:

Muslims heed the following:

- The so-called Shariah law or Islamic law is a set of laws that were promulgated hundreds upon hundreds of years ago. We simply cannot live by a lot of these laws today. Such laws were for specific people who lived in a specific time. Without changing the basic tenets of Islam, Islamic law should be reformed so that it suits the year 2005 and not 1005.

- Killing innocents in the name of Islam is wrong. No buts, no ifs, no ummms.- Allah does not give a dead rat's ass about a girl's hair. If you're sexually excited when you see a girl's hairs then you're the sick pervert. Hijab is not a fard (obligation). It does not add or decrease the "good points" that a girl gets when she makes it to heaven. Perceived verses about women's covering were for the women of the year 620 AD. I assure you they were living in a very, and I mean very, different environment than the women of today. To sum up, Allah is not as dumb as to care about a piece of cloth on a girl's head.

- The funny creatures called non-Muslims living in Muslim dominated countries are to have equal right. Their rights should not come from the Quran, the Bible, or the Buddha Book. They should come from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

- Muslims who convert out of Islam to become whatever they want to become should not get killed. They also have the right to make their decision public even in downtown Riyadh.

- Authors have the right to express their opinions freely even if they wrote books that would make Salman Rushdie look like a pious Muslim. They should not get arrested and they should definitely not get killed. Writers are free to criticize the Christian faith in the West; the same should be with Islam's Voltaires.

- A Muslim is a Muslim in his house, among his kids, and in his mosque and NOT on the streets. A Muslim should not force his own interpretation of religion on others. The idea that Islam is a religion and a state should be dumped in one of New York's garbage dumps. In the year 2005, in the age of Bill Gates and invading Mars, there is nothing called a state that is based upon a religion. All religions in the state should be respected and all should live and let live.

- Israel is not going anywhere so live with it. Accepting that fact would make you feel better.

Christians heed the following:

- God does not give a dead rat's ass about those zillion denominations. A Christian can have communion in any church he bumps into. Any priest/pastor/bishop/etc who refuses a person because of his denomination should get kicked out of church.

- The teachings of Jesus are enough. In fact, the world would be paradise if all humans actually managed to do everything that Jesus said. So no need for the zillion so called teachings of "church founders", "saints", etc.

- The orthodox and catholic church should allow divorce. The sight of Egyptian orthodox women filling up psychiatrist clinics because they find it hard living with their husbands is not cool at all.

- There is nothing, and I mean nothing, in the Bible that says "Thou shall not use condoms". Are you reading this blog pope?

- Confessions in the catholic and orthodox churched should be abolished. A priest is just as human as you are. The idea that he has more power or authority than you is nonsense. You can enter a seminary, live for some years in a monastery, and surprise you become a priest!

- There is nothing wrong with women preaching, period. A female bishop is just as good as a male bishop. If a woman can rule a country then she can definitely work in a church.

Jews heed the following:

- Hasidic and ultra-orthodox Jews are not necessary the best Jews around. All Jews who follow the basic tenants of Judaism are as good. Wearing black hats all day and adopting harsh kosher laws won't earn you any points. God, ops I mean G-d, looks at the heart, besides, he cares more than your clothes or your dietary habits.

- Saturday is for G-d. If you're not planning to go to the synagogue or you're not planning to spend some time with G-d at home, then go to work and make yourself useful.

- Gaza and the entire West Bank belong to the Palestinians, period. All Israelis living in Gaza and the West Bank should move to Tel Aviv and Ascalon. The idea that this land belongs to the Jews is nonsense. What would you do with the millions of Palestinians there, pray 24/7 that they vanish? Those Jews who believe that all settlers must go are NOT less Jewish than the others.

- The Haram al-Sharif or the Temple Mount is a Muslim area, period. Even if you believe that it's the holiest site in Judaism, that won't really change anything. The Temple Mount belongs to the Palestinians and the Western Wall belongs to the Jews. Jerusalem should be shared. What is Muslim and Christian is Palestinian and what is Jewish is Israeli.

Where did I get this from? From the Bill Clinton plan, the best solution so far.

I have never been a fan of clintons, I personally think of him as a liar, cheat and sexual predator, but I do have to say that if BP's comments are based on clintons plan, I have finaly found something good about clinton!

Have a great weekend!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Back after a long hiatus..and the beat goes on and on and on

After a very hectic past five months I'm back and of course there is so much to go over ... Were to begin?

It's good to start hearing the main stream media questioning Islam, although we still hear trotted out that old bulls-t line about the religion being hijacked! What a load of cr-p! Lets see, Islam means submission and the followers are to submit to it and place it foremost in their lives, and the Koran is the finale word of their satanic demon Alahhh, which must be emulated...... hmmmm... Lets take a look at some of these wonder peaceful kranic/satanic verses.....Along with the Muslims that use the koran to justify what they do........

Muslim confesses to Van Gough murder: " I did what I did purely out of my beliefs"
In other words, he acted as a Muslim, not because of poverty or discrimination or any other fashionable cause. He acted in accordance with the death penalty for blasphemy according to Islamic law. "Van Gogh murder suspect confesses to killing," from MSNBC, with thanks to Andrew Bostom:

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - A Dutch-Moroccan man confessed in court on Tuesday to murdering a filmmaker critical of Islam last year, breaking his silence over a killing that fanned religious and racial tension in the Netherlands.

Mohammed Bouyeri was accused of killing Theo van Gogh as he cycled to work in Amsterdam on Nov. 2, 2004. He was charged with shooting and stabbing Van Gogh before slashing his throat and pinning a note to his body with a knife in broad daylight.

Van Gogh, a descendent of the brother of the 19th century Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, was known for his outspoken criticism of Islam and angered many Muslims by making a film which accused Islam of condoning violence against women.

I did what I did purely out my beliefs, the 27-year-old Muslim told judges after entering court clutching a Quran. I want you to know that I acted out of conviction and not that I took his life because he was Dutch or because I was Moroccan and felt insulted.

The bearded suspect, dressed in a black robe and black and white headscarf, praised Allah and the Prophet Mohammed before admitting to the killing on the second day of his trial in Amsterdam's high-security court.

Bouyeri told judges he had acted according to his convictions. Unrepentant, he told the victim's mother , who was in court , that he did not sympathize with her loss and would be prepared to do the same again.

The following are Surahs of the Quran used by Islamists to justify attacking non-Muslims to establish a Caliphate.

These are mere excerpts of the Holy Quran. These excerpts are not comprehensive of the message of the Quran nor are they meant to be representitive of the totality of its message. The sole reason for reproducing these Surahs here is to note which Surahs the Islamists refer to repeatedly to establish the rational for their goactivitiesctivites. These are not all the Surahs referred to by the Islamists, but they are central to their arguments.

Surah 61:4 "Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure,"

Surah 2:190-193 "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits...And slay them wherever ye catch them. And turn them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter; But fight them not at the sacred Mosque unless they first fight you there; But if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease, Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more persecution. And the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression"

Surah 9:38-39 "O ye who believe! What is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things,"

Surah 8:59-70 "Their state is like that of the people of Pharaoh, and of those before them who treated their Lord's signs as lies. We therefore destroy them in their sins, and We drowned the people of Pharaoh; for they were all doers of wrong. The worst beasts truly in the sight of God are the thankless who will not believe; They with whom thou hast leagued, and who are ever breaking their league, and who fear not God! If thou take them in war, then, by the example of their fate, scatter those who shall follow them - that they may be warned: Or if thou fear treachery from any people, throw back their treaty to them as thou fairly mayest, for God loveth not the treacherous. And think not that the infidels shall escape Us! The shall not weaken God....O Prophet! stir up the faithful to the fight. Twenty of you who stand firm shall vanquish two hundred: and if there be an hundred of you they shall vanquish a thousand of the infidels, for they are a people devoid of understanding....No prophet hath been enabled to take captives until he had made great slaughter in the earth. Ye desire the passing fruitions of this world, but God desireth the next life for you. And God is mighty and wise.

Sura 9:5 "And when the sacred months are passed, kill those who join other gods with God wherever ye shall find them; and seize them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush: but if they shall convert, and observe prayer, and pay the obligatory alms, then let them go their way, for God is gracious, merciful.

Sura 9:12 "But if, after alliance made, they break their oaths and revile your religion, then do battle with the ring-leaders of infidelity - for no oaths are binding with them - that they may desist. What! will ye not fight against those Meccans who have broken their oaths and aimed to expel your Apostle, and attacked you first? Will ye dread them? God is more worthy of your fear, if ye are believers! So make war on them: By your hands will God chastise them, and will put them to shame, and will give you victory over them, and will heal the bosoms of a people who believe;"

Sura 9:30 "Make war upon such of those to whom the Scriptures have been given as believe not in God, or in the Last Day, and who forbid not that which God and His Apostle have forbidden, and who profess not the profession of the truth, until they pay tribute out of hand, and they be humbled. The Jews say, "Ezra is a son of God"; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is a son of God." Such the sayings in their mouths! They resemble the saying of the infidels of old! God do battle with them! How are they misguided? They take their teachers, and their monks, and the Messiah, son of Mary, for lords besides God, though bidden to worship one God only. There is no God but He! Far from His glory be what they associate with Him! Fain would they put out God's light with their mouths: but God only desireth to perfect His light, albeit the infidels abhor it. He it is who hath sent His Apostle with the guidance and a religion of the truth, that He may make it victorious over every other religion, albeit they who assign partners to God be averse from it.

And then we have some of the Muslim responses to the 7/7 murders in London taken from a number of Islamic sites......

"They always want to blame someone - what would happen if we said, "blame Allah for we do as He commands us." Maybe it will silence them."
==================================================================="Jihad is our way to eternity."
==================================================================="Takbeer. allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar!! "
==================================================================="A story of what I would tell my sons: Well, one day my sons will grow up and ask me, "Papa, what were progressive Muslims?" I can look them boldly in the eye and say, "they were scared brothers and sisters who felt the need to sacrifice their Aqeedah to pacify the west and its influnece. One of them even tried to get a petition signed, so all who read it would know they, [the progresive Muslims] "...state clearly that those who commit acts of terror, murder and cruelty in the name of Islam are not only destroying innocent lives, but are also betraying the values of the faith they claim to represent. No injustice done to Muslims can ever justify the massacre of innocent people, and no act of terror will ever serve the cause of Islam. We repudiate and dissociate ourselves from any Muslim group or individual who commits such brutal and un-Islamic acts..."
"Oh, papa so they only believed part of the Qur'an and not all of it? "Why do you mean, son? "Well, if Allah said jihad is for all and one who is our enemy are infidels, then why didn't the progressives stand up for our Aqeedah, follow the fiqh of Allah, not sign petitions, but want to serve the Ummah?"
"Oh, my son, you misunderstand. The progressive Muslims were the ones who created the petition - they thought if they could get enough people to sign it, then they would not be bothered by their local police and they could freely roam their country and practise just enough of the Qur'an to fell still in favor with Allah ta'la."
"Well, what happened to them?" "Son, one by one, they followed the fiqh, which is not something we can follow part of - all or nothing - and made righteous their weakling acts from before. You see them around now, serving Allah and making peace with peaceful MMuslims only. Many ended up not in favor with Allah, so cast out of our society, the one they tried to change."
"Who do they follow now, papa?" "They always followed Shaytaan, for if they ever followed the true Aqeedah, they would still be living here, but if you are not for ALL of ALLah, He doesn't want any of you."

"But why should it bad time for muslims?? What have they done? It is absolutely ridiculous. Sis Jk it is difficult but put your trust in Allah and if someone bothers you in the street, just say to them if we muslims are so dangerous, is it so wise to upset me now?? and see their face.. "=================================================================

Here is a site that lists Muslim terrorist attacks. Read them and weep.

Ask yourself and ask the world ,WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!?


Educate yourself and others about islam... go to