Friday, July 25, 2008

Muslim day at Great America park in Gurnee IL....

I first heard about this muslim day at Great America in Gurnee, this morning as I awoke to WGN Newsradio. I was shocked and made a comment about it to my husband. How the hell is it that the "muslames" always demand these things. ( I know, I know, that is the standard mode of operation...)

Then latter this morning I checked the Chicago Tribune, and sure enough, there was this headline on the front page....

Muslim Day at Six Flags a time to relax and connect with others
Gurnee park expects about 1,200 Muslims to attend Saturday
By Deborah Horan Chicago Tribune reporter

12:29 AM CDT, July 25, 2008

Well of course I checked the comments section for the article and added mine also, the interesting part was that the general consensus on the comments in the Chicago Tribune was that people were not pleased....

Then just now, I was checking the Tribune again on line and it seems that the Trib has decided to close the comments section..... Apparently they do not want to upset the muslims with a show of what regular people are thinking about the demands and concessions that are being made by the likes of Great America, etc....

At at there is a great article on this....

Magic Mountain to become "Muslim Magic Mountain" for a day

Can't help but wonder if on "Muslim Day" the theme park's "six flags" will depict swords with the words "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" -- you know, to better help foster a sense of Muslim community.

"Muslim Day at Six Flags a time to relax and connect with others," by Deborah Horan, for the Chicago Tribune, July 25:

On any other day, Sobia Ahmed would opt to forgo many of the snacks on offer at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee. To perform the Islamic prayers she recites five times a day, she likely would slip onto a secluded path at the amusement park or look for solace under a shady tree for a few furtive minutes.

"Furtive"? Thought "pious" better characterizes the minutes one spends praying?

This Saturday Ahmed and her family will eat and pray at their leisure in the park with hundreds of other Muslims from the Chicago area who plan to visit the sprawling entertainment center for a day catered especially to them.

For the fourth time since 2004, Six Flags in Gurnee is sponsoring Muslim Day, bringing in outside caterers to provide halal food and turning an amphitheater into a makeshift mosque to accommodate Muslims who observe dietary laws and strict prayer schedules. Muslims who plan to go say they appreciate the sense of community the event creates as well as the opportunity to talk about Islam with curious non-Muslims at the park.

"If you go on regular days, it's kind of tough to find a place to pray," said Ahmed, a stay-at-home mom from Bolingbrook who has attended previous Muslim Days at Six Flags with her husband and five children. "Usually we can't eat the food, but now we can."
Started in New Jersey by an interethnic Muslim organization called the Islamic Circle of North America.

This, of course, is the same organization that is "listed in the infamous 1991 Muslim Brotherhood memo as participating in a 'grand Jihad' aimed at 'eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.'" See here for more.


For the Muslims' prayer needs, the park chose an amphitheater near the restrooms so worshipers can perform ablutions beforehand. Two outside caterers will provide food that complies with Islamic standards of preparation.

Posted by Raymond at July 25, 2008 10:48 AM


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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Looking Back at a post on Dec 11, Alcoholic Friend....

Looking back to a post I did back in December of 2007 I see that I mentioned then how I hoped that my friend had hit bottom with her drinking. Who knew that breaking her neck was just the beginning.

Last night we went over to her house to check on her and her dog. ( We have been taking care of her dog off and on for the last year and a half as her drinking got worse and worse) She was again in a drunken stupor sitting at the kitchen table. We again dumped the vodka she was drinking, and seached for the rest of the bottle. We found another empty 1.75 ltr bottle in a kitchen cabinet.

I asked her if she liked doing this to herself, she slurred... nooo..... Then I asked who was supplying her with the vodka? She eventually managed to say a name, Pete, from the local bar. ( Or at least that is what it sounded like) .

I had been told by her counselor that being blunt with her was good maybe it would shake her up enough to realize that she needed to stop, get help. I told her that she was an end stag alcoholic. What that meant , and that if she didn't stop drinking and get help she would die. Her response was that she would rather continue drinking and die.

So there you have it, if she doesn't want to change her life around , that is what will happen. I'm just disappointed again at her, but it is her choice. Looks like we will have a new dog permanently in a short time.

End-stage alcoholism is a horrible way to die. Alcohol is a cumulative poison that damages the skin, brain, liver, heart, and other parts of the body. As the damage to these organs progresses with continued use, the body systems needed for life begin to fail.

The heart weakens and becomes enlarged.

The liver becomes scarred, shrunken, and hardened (cirrhosis). It stops functioning, causing blood dysfunctions and esophageal varices, and hemorrhoids that can rupture suddenly, causing the person to bleed to death.

The brain's internal spaces are enlarged, and the fissures in the cortex are widened. This general loss of brain tissue is associated with alcoholic dementia (wet brain), a decline in the capacity for thinking or learning. Other symptoms of organic brain disorders are mental confusion, impaired coordination while walking, impaired vision, and memory loss.

The skin's vascular systems are damaged. The skin's ability to retain heat is compromised. Abnormally enlarged capillary groups, with blue and red spider-like capillaries, appear primarily on the upper body. Unexplained bruising, redness of the skin especially on the face, fluid retention under the eyes, and a "whiskey nose" can develop.

Direct tissue irritation and/or induction of enzymes that activate other carcinogens can cause cancers of the mouth, tongue, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, lung, pancreas, colon and rectum.

In the advanced stage, damage to the liver, heart, brain and other body tissues may be irreversible. Severe physical damage often leads to life-threatening illnesses that result in premature death. Brain damage from years of excessive drinking or drug use may be permanent. As brain cells die from chronic alcohol intake, they are generally not regenerated, and the tissue of the brain itself begins to deteriorate.

Even if sobriety is achieved in this advanced state of alcoholism, the quality of life may be significantly impacted and the physical damage may be so great that it becomes difficult to treat. It is however, never too late to start recovery from alcohol addiction. Persons suffering from irreversible damage caused by chronic drinking can still begin and successfully continue recovery. Obviously, the earlier, the better.

Shes already showing allot of the signs.... I do not believe that she will be around much longer, either her heart and liver will give out shortly due to the drinking, or she will pass out and drown in her own vomit or die from passing out and hitting her head again on the toilet/sink/tub... etc.... Any way you look at it , it is a horrible way to go.

Monday, July 21, 2008

End Stage Alcoholism...watching a person slowly kill themselves.....

If you have ever know anyone close to you that is or was an alcoholic then you know how frustrating it is to see the person throw their life away.

My maid of honor at my wedding used to be an IT genius. To quote another friend of hers that used to work for her, "she could make a computer dance". On all accounts she was bright, sociable and was running a thriving business up until a few years ago. Just like most people I know , she would be a social drinker, and yes , just like allot of the other Scandinavians she could hold her liquor.

She did have issues through out the years, as we all do, but one of the things she always struggled with was her weight. I still remember having to tell her when we were looking for dresses for the bridesmaids and her maid of honor dress, that the dress size we had to order for her wasn't the true size as stated on the tag, that all bridesmaid dress are smaller then the size stated.... She needed to hear that as she was devastated in having to order a size 28 and then having the seamstress add fabric to the dress to make it fit. That was over 11 years ago....

About 6 years ago , she decided that the only solution to her weight problems was to have gastric bypass surgery. ( The reality is that food can be an addiction , just as much as drugs or alcoholism. If you do not address the root of the problem, you are going to replace the food addiction with something else. ) She did not want to discuss this surgery with her family and friends, we all found out about it a few days before the surgery was to take place. She would not listen to those of us that were concerned about taking such a drastic step.

There were complications and the long and short of it was that she almost died 2 times , and was in the hospital, and then a nursing home, for almost a year after the initial surgery.

Well she lost the weight , but over the last 4 years she started drinking more and more. Looking back now, the signs were there but we all just kept chalking it up to stress, running her own business, keeping things afloat after her surgery and recovery, etc...

There was always an excuse why things were not going right, her losing customers , etc.... in these last two years, she started getting in trouble with the law, was arrested a number of times, but her sales skills kept her from having all but the closest of us friends really see what was happening.

It was never her fault, etc... There was the constant denial, finally, she got a DUI ( I'm surprised it took so long) , the first one was 4 months ago, the last one was 2 months ago. Her house is in foreclosure , she has the final sale the first week of August, all her utilities except for the electrical are shut off, and she still refuses to stop drinking!

Since mid June, she spent 6 weeks in the county jail , got out 4 weeks ago, had a court date that she blew off because she was drunk, got jailed again over the 4th of July weekend because of the missed court date, got out after 10 days, and then she wasn't out of jail 24 hours before she went on a drinking bender again!

She lives just down the street from us so here it is 5 days latter and every day we check on her , and every day she is either passed out or in a drunken stupor. We keep taking away and dumping the vodka, but apparently she has someone in the neighborhood who keeps buying it for her.

We've contacted her church and counselor, the counselor confirmed that the reality is that unless she wants to stop drinking, no one can make her! She is an "end stage alcoholic" and there is a good chance we may end up finding her dead one of these days when we check up on her.

Our final step is trying to get the police to come out and do a wellness check on her, and hopefully when they find her unresponsive in a drunken stupor , they would take her to a hospital where they could evaluate her and get her into a state run/mandated program.... if that doesn't happen, I know in my heart that I will be attending a funeral soon....

Please say a prayer, if your are so inclined for her... and all those like her... they need all the prayers possible....

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Cartoons political, and so much more......Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Telling the Truth is Islam Bashing?

A question I have often asked.
The courageous Iranian dissident Amil Imani considers it here.

If telling the truth about Islam is Islam bashing, then mea culpa.

Question: Does Islam get a pass because it is a religion? Who says Islam is a religion? Millions do? What is the evidence? The words of masses of brainwashed carriers of the Islamic virus, transmitted to them by their parents, are worthless as evidence. What counts is the irrefutable fact that this creed, claimed to be the one and only religion of Allah, has been and continues to be a source of great suffering for non-Muslims as well as the ignorant masses of Muslims themselves.

I will share with you just a few of thousands of horrific things that Muslims do to people of other religions or those without any religion at all. In model Islamic states such as
Saudi Arabia and Iran, for instance, women don’t dare complain about their Allah-decreed chattel status. If they protest in the least, they are beaten by their husbands. And if they dare to demonstrate in public for equal family rights with men, they get severe beatings by the police and hauled to jails for additional indignities and violence.

One may wonder then why is it that millions of Muslim women meekly submit to their subservient rank and worship and thank Allah for it. These women are virtually imprinted by their parents and the clergy from birth to adopt the gender inequality as well as the entire pathological Islamic ethos.

“Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the others and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you take no further action against them. Allah is high, supreme.” Quran 4.34

Even Egypt, the crown jewel of Arab-Islamic world is practicing a form of slow genocide against its own Baha’i citizens by depriving them of just about all rights of citizenship.
Baha’is are still denied the indispensable identity card, simply because the powerful clergy want to eliminate the peaceful minority. Among other things, Egypt denies education to Baha’i children, taking a page from the “Mein Kampf” of the fascist Islamic Republic of Iran.

The record of atrocities performed by the proponents of the “religion of peace” clearly condemns it as an unmitigated cult of the worst kind. The savage Muslims forced their creed of hate and violence at the point of the sword on my people. They did and continue to do everything they could to wipe out any
vestige of our magnificent Iranian culture and heritage. Now, they are ruling my native land with an iron fist, demeaning everything that we have treasured in our egalitarian-humanistic exemplary culture. They are forcing our women into prostitution by depriving them of means of livelihood, compelling hundreds of thousands of Iran’s best and brightest to leave for other lands, spearheading a vicious campaign of terrorism far and near, and muffling any voice that does not sing their praises.

The Bible says “By their fruit shall ye know them.” I said this before and I’ll say it for as long as this vicious cult keeps up with its abominable deeds: Islam is violence. Islam is intolerant of non-Muslims. Islam is a vestige of a barbaric past. Islam must be confronted, shown for what it is and stopped from overtaking the world. Here are just a few examples of what these people of Allah had done recently.

A guy stops a car in the city of Shiraz in Iran and asks the driver to give him some gasoline, pretending that his car has run out of fuel. The total stranger siphons gas from his own car and gives it to him. Suddenly some other guys show up from their hiding places, tie the man to a tree, douse him with the gasoline he had generously given to a total stranger, set him on fire and speed away in the sham “out-of-gasoline” car. Why? The target of the torching was a non-Muslim, a Baha’i. The “sin” of not being a Muslim made him a deserving party for being burned alive. These thugs of Allah, the savage torchers, call themselves the Unknown Soldiers of the Lord of the Age, (Imam Zaman) the Shiite’s much revered and expected savior.

To make matters worse, all manner of “good Muslims” walked by and didn’t do a lick to help the man. Miraculously the man was able to put the fire out and call the police on his cell phone. It took the police over 30 minutes to respond and take the man to the station for questioning. Now that’s the Islam that is on the march. It has penetrated deeply and spread widely in Europe. It is changing Europe to its ways and holds every promise of doing the same to the United States.

Many Europeans are fleeing their ancestral homeland ahead of the Islamic fire which is engulfing their countries. These are the affluent and the ones with foresight. Others are either oblivious to the threat, aim to accommodate it as the holy grail of multiculturalism, or will end up one day seeing themselves in the fight of their life. For Islam does not believe in multiculturalism. Islam is a mono-culturist: the barbarian culture of Islam. As Islam gains more power, it will inevitably impose itself and its ways on all others. And there will be those who will eventually wake up from their stupor; they will either completely capitulate or fight the Muslims back in bloody bock-by-block, street-by-street battles.

Truth is not always welcome and can often be greatly disturbing. But truth is the best weapon against evil and falsehood. When I point out the
horrific teachings of the Quran, I don’t make them up. I cite surahs from their holy book, surahs that exhort the Muslims to carry out all kinds of evil deeds against non-Muslims. This book of Allah is a license to kill. When I point out that Muhammad set terrible examples for his followers by his own deeds, I cite from their own sources to document my assertion.

Is there anyone in this messed-up world who doesn’t read, see, or hear about the daily Islamic atrocities performed by these savages, with every act justified on the basis of Allah’s holy book?

Qur’an 8:12 "I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle."

Qur’an 33:26 "Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before."
Why is it that these self-righteous Islamist villains don’t bother to prove me wrong? Why don’t they document what I say as being false? Instead, I am showered by all kinds of unspeakable profanity. Some of the more civil of the Muslims don’t stoop as low as their foul co-religionists. These latter types let out a hue and cry that they and their religion are smeared and victimized by people like me. They consider my criticisms of Islam as Islam bashing. They accuse me as a divisive- racist who enjoys Islam bashing. For good measure, they also label me Zionist in the pay of Israel and Israeli lobbies. Who is bashing whom? Please prove any one of my charges to be false or fabricated and I’ll happily repent. If, on the other hand, you fail to do so, you owe it to humanity to abandon your allegiance to the scourge of Islam.

Amen Amil, Amen!

The Dum-o-crate Democrates in Congress do it again! Seven years latter , same old , same old!

Once again congress is refusing to listen to the people of the USA, they do not want to let the US become more energy efficient.

From Investors Business Daily :

Energy Policy: Imagine an energy plan that does it all — from allowing more oil drilling to spending billions on alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and nuclear. Well, guess what? Been there, done that.

'Energy has enormous implications for our economy, our environment and our national security," President Bush said in proposing the plan. "We cannot let another year go by without addressing these issues together in a comprehensive and balanced package."
That was in June 2001 — more than seven years ago.
His words came just after he first proposed a comprehensive energy bill that included 105 separate steps the U.S. could take to boost its energy supplies. It was something he promised repeatedly while campaigning for the presidency in 2000. He kept his promise. His first plan included, among many other things:
• New drilling for more oil and gas and new refineries.
• Building of nuclear power plants.
• Revamping the U.S. electricity grid.
• $10 billion in tax breaks to help push energy efficiency and alternative energy.
The fact is, these are remarkably similar to the plans that economists, oil experts and energy wonks say need to be put in place today in order to end our oil crisis.
Yet, those proposals went nowhere — not approved in 2001, not in 2002, not in 2003, not ever. Bush tried repeatedly to get something through Congress. He pleaded. He tried to cut deals with Democrats. It didn't work.
A New York Times headline from August 20, 2003, sums it up: "Ambitious Bush Plan Is Undone by Energy Politics."
That's an understatement. Instead, Democrats ridiculed Vice President Cheney for meeting with oil industry representatives to craft U.S. energy policy — and for insisting on finding more oil.
They had no plan themselves, mind you — apart from massively expensive global warming initiatives that would force Americans to lower their standard of living to Third World levels by spending as much as $800 billion a year to cool Earth.
Yet, if Bush's plan had been put in place in 2001, we'd have replaced millions of barrels of oil, billions of tons of coal and untold trillions of acre feet of natural gas with clean, safe nuclear power.
We'd be pumping millions of barrels more of oil, creating thousands of American jobs, cutting prices and saving literally hundreds of billions of dollars every year —money that today goes to line the pockets of the Saudi royal family, Venezuelan petrotyrant Hugo Chavez, Libyan leader-for-life Muammar Qadhafi and Vladimir Putin's Russia.
When the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007, and oil was $50 a barrel and corn $2 a bushel, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promised an energy plan. We're still waiting for it. Today, crude oil is $134 and corn is $6.50.
It's pretty clear who's to blame: Congress. In fact, House and Senate Democrats have obstructed any progress in America's fight to regain some semblance of energy independence.
"Now is the time for Congress to move and get something done," President Bush said all the way back in August 2003. He's still waiting, and so are we.
Bush's original energy plan, derided by the Democrats and so-called progressives as a wet-kiss to Big Oil, was in fact a visionary plan. At the time, Reid joked that GOP now stood for "Gas, Oil and Plutonium." Funny, we don't hear anyone laughing now.
Such puerile shenanigans, as we've said before, endanger our security and weaken our standard of living.
Angry? You should be. Call your political representatives and tell them you want more energy, not less. If they won't do it, tell them you'll vote for someone who will.
Then maybe you'll really get change you can believe in.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Those lazy, hazy , days of summer are here! Contact your congressman or congresswoman and demand that we "Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less."

I have to admit that these past 3-4 months have been hectic. With work, friends, family and other commitments I just have not had the time or inclination to post.

It seems that as usual, the mad mo-ham-idans are always at it. Europe is still on a downhill trend, Australia seems to sway between getting it and then not getting it, and the US just keeps snoozing away, unaware of the threat of the camels nose under the tent! All you have to do is go to to get your daily douse of mad-ham-idan delights!

On the home front here in the US, the congress still does not get it! Drill here in the US and drill now! President Bush just signed an executive order to allow offshore drilling along our coast. This is a major victory in our effort to reduce gas prices, but Congress still must act before Americans can start searching for oil offshore, and we must keep the pressure on them until they take action to lower our gas prices.

We can put the pressure on them and one way to accomplish this is by collecting 3,000,000 "Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less." petition signatures that will be presented to both the Republican and Democrat Conventions in August. You can help reach this goal by signing the petition here: and then inviting your friends and family to sign the petition by clicking here.

The voices of 1,300,000 Americans who have signed the petition are clearly making a difference. Help keep the momentum going by signing the petition yourself, forwarding it to your friends and family, and calling your Congressman or Senator at 202-224-3121 and urging them to lift the federal ban on offshore drilling.

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