Could it be....The net is abuzz Palin as VP pick for McCain?
Well - the net seems to be abuzzz.... I'm hoping it's true, if it is I will be 100 % behind the ticket... and will even volunteer to support the candidacy, something I haven't done since I was in collage and I helped get Mayor Washington elected in Chicago!
Now if truth be known , as VP choices go , I believe the McCain "dream ticket" would be with him and Condi Rice as VP, but hey, this would still be good! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! (We won't go into how I am still disapointed that Rudi did not get the nomination... oh well..)
A Muslim separatist group in China has made a new video threat against the Beijing Olympics, warning Muslims to keep their children away from the games, a US group that monitors extremists said Thursday. The nearly six-minute video shows flames consuming a Beijing Olympics logo and an explosion over a venue for the competition, and features a masked, turbaned speaker clutching what appears to be an assault rifle.
The IntelCenter released a copy of the recording, attributed to the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), an ethnic Uighur and Muslim organization seeking to create an independent state out of China's heavily Muslim Xinjiang province.
The SITE Intelligence Group, meanwhile, translated some of the message, which was delivered in the language of the Uighurs, and said that the speaker identified himself as a TIP member and issued a threat against the Games.
The speaker urges Muslims to keep their children from the competition, and warns "Do not stay on the same bus, on the same train, on the same plane, in the same buildings, or any place the Chinese are," SITE said.
Since when to the muslims give a shit about their children? Oh yeah... that's right, gotta keep em alive just long enought to have them blow up others on a mision from their satonic rock god allah.... grrrr.....
Wouldn't it be a nice fantasy to NOT HAVE MUSLIMS THREATENING VIOLENCE! No it's not those pesky Episcopalians, or those darn Mormons, it's the religion of pieces muslims again!
BEIJING, China — A U.S. group that monitors extremist Web sites says that a Chinese Islamic group has posted a new video that shows a burning Olympics logo and an explosion over a venue for the Beijing Games.
The video, reported Thursday by the IntelCenter, follows the posting of a similar video dated July 23. Both are attributed to the Turkistan Islamic Party, which experts say is an offshoot of a secessionist group from China's Central Asian frontier with ties to Al Qaeda.
IntelCenter said the latest video was dated Aug. 1 and features "graphics showing a burning Olympics logo and an explosion imposed over one of the venues."
Comments on the video were in the language of the Uighurs, a Muslim minority in western China with a long history of tense relations with the central government. No translation was immediately available.
As an update to the earlier post, in addition to sending an e-mail - I called the customer service phone number for Tyson to register a complant. Tyson's customer service was abrupt and kept trying to whitewash the whole thing by stating over and over that they were only doing this with the union employees. When I finally was able to get in a few words I let the rep know that my family was no longer going to buy Tysen products and before I could finish the rep cut me off and stated , that's fine, and hung up! I was calm and profesional through out the mostly one sided conversation, and was very surprised by the hang up! ... For any one else intrested in calling Tyson's customer relations ... the number is 800-643-3410. Call now and register your complaint... If enough people do , they cannot ignore this......
The following is an article in the Nashville News.... (Thanks to the Drudge Report)
SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. -- Some workers at a local plant will no longer to be able to take their Labor Day holiday because of religious reasons.Workers at the Tyson Foods poultry processing plant in Shelbyville will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day but will instead be granted the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr.
According to a news release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, a new five-year contract at the plant included the change to accommodate Muslim workers at the plant.Tyson's director of media relations Gary Mickelson said the contract includes eight paid holidays -- the same number as the old contract.
Eid al-Fitr -- which falls on Oct. 1 this year -- marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.
Union leaders said implementing the holiday was important for the nearly 700 Muslims, many of them Somalis, who work at the plant that employs a total of 1,200 people.
Nineteen-year plant veteran William Pentecost doesn’t agree with the decision.
"I don’t think it's right. I really don't think it's right," he said.
Tyson company spokeswoman Libby Lawson said by phone that, "This isn't a religious accommodation, this is a contractual agreement. The majority asked for it."
The change didn’t bother some workers.
"I think it's fine. I don’t have any problem with it. There's a whole bunch of them here, so they've got to do something for them," said worker John Smith.
"It shouldn't happen. I mean, I think, we're in America, you're in America, I think that they should go with our holidays," Pentecost said.
Channel 4's Cynthia Williams could not reach any of the plant’s Muslim workers, because Channel 4 News' crew was not permitted on the property.
Former employee and Shelbyville resident Anthony Proctor said he thinks what's happening is wrong.
He said he helped build a special Muslim prayer room that's located inside the plant and that no other Tyson facility has been that accommodating for any other religion.
"If we want to go pray, we don’t have one for Christians," he said.
Tyson is headquartered in Arkansas.
Lawson said they consider religious accommodations on a case-by-case basis. She said that so far, no one has asked for any other type of religious prayer room.
No one at the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union’s regional office answered phone calls placed by Williams on Friday.
A representative in New York said that no one there knew specifics about the new contract with the workers, but a person in research told Williams that holidays aren't usually replaced and are more likely to be added on.
The decision will only apply to workers at the plant who are union members. All other employees at the plant will still have their normal Labor Day holiday.
My family and I will be boycotting Tyson Foods. I've already contacted their corporate office to voice our objection to this. You too, can contact Tyson at
Contact Information Mail: Tyson Foods, Inc. P.O. Box 2020 Springdale, AR 72764-6999 Telephone: 1-800-643-3410 Consumer Relations CP631 2210 West Oaklawn Drive Springdale, AR 72764-6999
I'm a married female that lives in the northern suburbs of Chicago. I speak my mind, am pasionate about life, consider myself a conservative feminist, and hate political correctness! I do believe in treating everyone with respect and compasion , just don't try to force your views on me, lets agree to disagree .... and that is fine.
After 9/11, I realized the threat that islam's ideology poses, and try to enlighten others.