Immigration March in Chicago - Muslim is a nationality?
As I was getting ready for work this morning I was listening to the radio , WGN 720 (a Chicago news radio station) , They were doing a story on the illegal immigrant march held yesterday in Chicago and were naming some of the groups represented followed by sound bites from each group. First from Mexicans, then from the Irish , Followed by what WGN identified as Nigerian's, (all good and well, except that when identified as the speaker for the "Nigerian's" the sound bite proceeded to have the persons stating that there were over 400,000 muslims in the chicagoland area and they demanded to be heard! Note that the person did NOT say Nigerian's, but muslims!
Now correct me if I am wrong here but not all persons that are Nigerian are muslim, and there are not 400,000 muslim Nigerian's in Chicagoland? Since when is a religion (or at least the ideology of islam, claiming to be a religion.) an ethnicity? Interesting how this immigration march is being used by the muslims as another deceptive way (can anyone say taqiyya) to get around the legal right of a country to screen who gets in. No one has a divine right to enter into and settle in any other country! I find it appalling that the muslims have used the guise of representing Nigeria, when islam, Nigeria's muslim population, are committing genocide against the Christian and native (non Christian, non muslim) religious peoples of Nigeria!
My goddaughter's dad is Ibo, a Catholic, and his family has experienced first hand the atrocities of the muslims in his former homeland.
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Now correct me if I am wrong here but not all persons that are Nigerian are muslim, and there are not 400,000 muslim Nigerian's in Chicagoland? Since when is a religion (or at least the ideology of islam, claiming to be a religion.) an ethnicity? Interesting how this immigration march is being used by the muslims as another deceptive way (can anyone say taqiyya) to get around the legal right of a country to screen who gets in. No one has a divine right to enter into and settle in any other country! I find it appalling that the muslims have used the guise of representing Nigeria, when islam, Nigeria's muslim population, are committing genocide against the Christian and native (non Christian, non muslim) religious peoples of Nigeria!
My goddaughter's dad is Ibo, a Catholic, and his family has experienced first hand the atrocities of the muslims in his former homeland.
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