Thursday, February 10, 2005

Blogging a crime according to islamic sharia law

All Bloggers ALERT!

Blogger's 'Crime' Against the Islamic State

Sharia alert: in the Islamic state, there can be no blogging that is perceived to be against Islam. From the LA Times, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

TEHRAN — "Excuse me, Miss, but here in my hand I have a warrant for your arrest," said a middle-aged man with a few days' growth of beard. "Please do not make any noise as you walk calmly to the Mercedes parked at the corner."...

The next day, I was taken to a room down a long corridor and told to sit down. A fat hand with an agate stone ring set an interrogation form in front of me. Then he began asking about my Web log, which has hyperlinks on it to Western feminist groups.

"Do you accept the charges?" the interrogator asked.

"What charges?"

"That you have written things in your Web log that go against the Islamic system and that encourage people to topple the system," he said. "You are inviting corrupt American liberalism to rule Iran."

"I've tried to write my ideas and opinions in my Web log and to communicate with others in Farsi all over the world," I said.

He was displeased.

"These answers will lead us nowhere, and you will stay here for years. Tell us the truth. How much have you received to write these offenses against the Islamic state? How are you and your fellow Web loggers organized?"

How should I respond? I knew my mother must be terribly worried about me. What could I say to make sure I got out?

"We are not organized against the state," I said. "I write because I want to criticize the system.

There are some things in our state that should be corrected." "Why don't you write an e-mail directly to the supreme leader's office?" he asked. "The supreme leader considers all criticisms and takes corrective actions."

"I hadn't thought about that," I said. This was nonsense, of course, but I saw an opening. "From now on, I will write directly to the supreme leader and stop writing in my Web log."

"It is too late for that," he said.

Back in my cell, I sobbed. After a while, the door opened.

"You can ask for the holy Koran to chant and pass your time better here," the gray-haired matron suggested.
In the next session, four days later, I confessed to many of the accusations against me. As a reward, I was allowed to talk to my mother in the presence of my interrogator.

Over the days that followed, I confessed to many things, including having had sex with my boyfriend, who has his own Web log. The admission filled me with guilt, both for having to discuss such intimate details and for having betrayed him. He is now complicit in the crime of extramarital sex.

I remained in prison for 36 days. Now I am awaiting trial. On my release I was reminded, "Be thankful to God that we arrested you. If you had been detained by the intelligence department of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, they would surely have beaten you. Here you were our guest."

Ah yes, another fine example of islamic free speach. (sarcasm)

As Bloggers we need to be aware of this threat that islam is to all of our liberties . I personally feel that the following sums it up nicely:

Totalitarian Ideology [Islam} = Total Power + Paranoia

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Catch up Time

It's been a busy month since I last blogged. We got the offer accepted and closed on the house for my sister in law. (Now we are tackling all the repairs and renovation that need to be done over the next 2 months so that she can move in!)

Work has been pure hell in January, with so many fires to put out that I can't even remember the last time it was this busy!

We've had at least two major snowstorm's, and we're supposed to be getting more snow this week!

And we even celebrated by birthday yesterday, hazah, I turned 44!

Today I need to try to get out of work a little earlier as I need to pack for a Sci-fi convention that we will be vendors at this weekend.

And finally , another piece of islamic "words of wisdom and peace as practiced by this religion of hate" as found on an islamic website, the question being: What do I do if my wife leaves islam?

If Your Wife Leaves Islam She Must be Executed
Says Shaykh Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen
The following is a question answered in


His wife has left Islam

A brother came to me and Asked "What does he do if his wife told him that she no longer desires to be a muslim. She believes that there is a God but she does not want to be a Muslim. She said she does not care if it takes her to the Hell-Fire. She has stopped praying, remove the cover from her and her daughter(who is not his daughter), and said that they no longer follow Islam." She has also said that she wants to move.

Shaikh, we urgently need to know what to do. If she is guilty of ar-riddah, then how does it affect their marriage? Are they still married? Does she go into a state of Iddah? Can he be alone with her? Should he remain in the same home (she asked him to leave and she is bringing statues and other impermissible things into the home)? It could present fitnah and weaken his eemaan because of his emotions.

We(the members of this community) definitely would appreciate a rapid response as there may be serious implications from the matter.

Praise be to Allaah.

Undoubtedly if this is the case, she has chosen kufr over eemaan. She does not want to stay a Muslim and she is insulting Islam and its symbols, and going against its teachings. In this case she is a kaafir and an apostate, so it is not permissible for him to stay married to her, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Likewise hold not the disbelieving women as wives

[al-Mumtahanah 60:10]

i.e., if he has a kaafir wife, it is not permissible for him to stay married to her. He has to advise her and establish proof against her, then leave her. If he is in a place where there is an Islamic government and shareeah law, then he has to refer her case to the Muslim qaadi, for him to ask her to repent. If she does not repent then the ruling of Allaah should be carried out on her, which is execution, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever changes his religion [leaves Islam], execute him.

But if that is not possible and there is no Islamic rule or shareeah law in his country, then at least he should separate from her completely; it is not permissible for him to live with her after she has clearly stated her kufr.
Shaykh Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen

Nice - hah? Yes, tell me again.... how this is a religion of peace,.... how islam is tolerant of others ? What a bunch of BS!