Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Democracy is satanic according to Iraqi islamists!

"al-Qaida in Iraq and four other Islamic extremist groups issued a rare joint statement denouncing the elections as a "satanic project" and vowing to continue their war to establish an Islamic government in the country.

Unfortunately there seems to be no shortage of muslims that take their vile book, the quran ,quite literally, therefore we have no shortages of these types of islamic persons running around screaming allah is great as they saw off peoples necks, blow people up, stab people to death, desecrate other peoples holly places, loot, burn, and rape, all sanctioned by their book and deeds of that unholy pedophile mo.

It would be one thing if they kept to themselves in their islamic paridise such as Iran , Saudi Arabia etc... but no, they insist on taking their vile, filthy cult of islam out with them when they emigrate to the rest of the world, and instead of assimilating into their host countries they insist on pushing their filth on to the rest of the world.

Take a look at the recent violence in France, Sweden and the most recent example in Australia, just to name a few places where the muslims are rioting, raping, looting and killing. How long can the rest of the world make excuses for this vile group of pigs that follow islam? How long can we keep pretending that this has nothing to do with the cult of islam?

What do you not understand about an islamist shouting allah akbar as they cut a persons head off, explod a bomb belt, stab a person to death, riot and burn in the streets, damage and even destroy others places of worship etc, etc, etc...Why does the rest of the world keep making excusses for theese true followers for islam? Islam is a killing cult!

Thankfully myself and others are waking up to the realization that Islam is pure evil. There are those that are leaving this evil cult, former muslims born into the cult, or converts that have seen the truth and left islam, but that stream of humanity that has left islam needs to reach out to others to give them the courage to start thinking for themselves, to become a human being, a part of mankind, a living, thinking person with a mind of their own, a love of all human life, a yearning for freedom for themselves and all humans!

As long as this cult called islam insists on living in the dark ages and does not reform itself, there will be no other choice but the rest of the world having to defend itself, and I’m afraid that this may be the end of the world as we know it, as these islamic cultist followers of the murderer, rapist pedophil mo in Iran, etc. are on their way to nuclear weapons, and with that there will be an all out war. The western world will be forced to defend itself from this vile evil.

It's sad to think that this evil called islam may get want they want sooner than they imagine. We may all be blasted back to the Stone Age. We can only hope that this evil cult can be stopped before then, some how I doubt it . I only hope and prey that I am wrong.....

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