Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sorry about the hiatus... Family and work, back again thought....

Good day !

Sorry about the absence, but family and work take precedence. Over the last three weeks we've celebrated my hubbies birthday, had to care for my mother after her surgery, and of course work, well it never lets up....

But here I am , back again, and of course there are so many things to comment on, were do I start.....

Yahoo... We received our free koran from cair, it is being used to highlight all those saying that muslims love to follow when doing all those despicable things such as sawing of peoples heads, abusing woman and children, etc... It's a great resource for anyone to use against the PC crowd, after all muslims believe their koran is the words that they must live by and ol mo was the perfect example, show people exactly what is said and dine by mo!

We encourage everyone to request a free copy from cair, this way when a useful idiot tries to claim that islam is a religion of peace, you too can show them in cair's own sanctioned book, what the koran truly says. The book is large, ornate and hopefully puts them out a pretty penny, come on now folks, you owe yourself this free book, let cair pay for it. Just beware, it took over 10 Weeks for cair to finally ship the bloody thing!

I love my husband, as I came into our house after a long day at work, not to mention the long commute back home, he pointed out that I should look down at the floor as i sat down in the bathroom, and sure enough, there it was , placed where it could be most useful, be it as reading material, or otherwise! (you have to read the letter that comes with the koran to really appreciate this :-)

More latter........

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